Hello Kuni,

Could you please make sure that in this path you have the Japanese MO
language file:


[BACULUM_DIR] - directory where you installed Baculum

If not, then you need to provide it to this path. Currently in this
place you probably have a dead link.

Good luck.

Best regards,
Marcin Haba (gani)

On Thu, 4 Jan 2024 at 03:08, 前田邦隆 <kuni.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear team, Nice to meet you, I am a user from Japan. My name is Kuni.
> I recently installed bacula and baculum on Rocky Linux 9.3 with Docker.
> After installation, we finished setting up the API, set up the web, and set 
> the language to Japanese.
> However, Japanese is not displayed correctly. All displays look like 
> @@Dashboard@@. Please let me know how to solve this problem.
> Kuni.
> Best regards.
> --
> *---------------------------------------------------------*
>      Kunitaka Maeda (前田邦隆)
>                   mail :  kuni.ma...@gmail.com
>      Nonprofit Organization
>      Japan Karate Shoto Federation
>      NPO法人 日本空手松濤連盟
>      Osaka Toyono branch
>      大阪府本部 豊能支部
>     https://jks-osaka-toyono.com/
>      Branch chief
>      支部長
> *----------------------------------------------------------*
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