What is the output of the "status dir" command when the Admin job is waiting?

When you say "Both jobs have set AllowMixedPriority = yes." do you mean all
jobs that are running at the time you want to Admin job to run?


>>>>> On Thu, 20 Apr 2023 12:14:57 +0200, Justin Case said:
> Greetings to all,
> I have the simple Admin job "truncate-pools-all” (see further down) and I 
> would like to be able to run it concurrently while some backup job “backup1" 
> (see further down)  is running. Lets say backup jobs have Priority = 20.
> The Runscript Console command has Priority = 10 and uses drive number 9, 
> which is very likely not in use when the Admin job is started. The backup 
> jobs usually use drive number 0. Both jobs have set AllowMixedPriority = yes.
> While I can successfully run this command in bconsole concurrently when a 
> backup job is already running, when starting the Admin job the Bacula queuing 
> algorithm puts this Admin job in the queue and it is waiting until the 
> currently running backup job has finished. My understanding was that this is 
> normal behaviour when AllowMixedPriority = no (default). However, I have 
> explicitly enabled AllowMixedPriority and still it does not work. The 
> MaximumConcurrentJobs are 5 or 20 in different components, except for the SD 
> file autochanger drives, there it is set to 1.
> My first guess would be, that somehow the SD does not automagically make use 
> of the available unoccupied drives of the autochanger (although the default 
> behaviour should be AutoSelect = yes). So it tells the director that the 
> drive is busy and then the director makes the Admin job wait.
> But I could also be wrong, as I am not an expert on Bacula topics.
> What would I need to change to get this to work as expected and described at 
> the top of this mail?
> Thanks for considering my question and have a good time,
>  J/C
> Job {
> Name = "truncate-pools-all"
> Type = "Admin"
> JobDefs = "default1"
> Enabled = no
> Runscript {
> RunsOnClient = no
> RunsWhen = "Before"
> Console = "truncate volume allpools storage=unraid-tier1-storage drive=9"
> }
> Priority = 10
> AllowDuplicateJobs = no
> AllowMixedPriority = yes
> }
> JobDefs {
>   Name = "default1"
>   Type = "Backup"
>   Level = "Full"
>   Messages = "Standard"
>   Pool = "default1"
>   FullBackupPool = "default1"
>   IncrementalBackupPool = "default1"
>   Client = “machine1"
>   Fileset = "EmptyFileset"
>   MaxFullInterval = 2678400
>   SpoolAttributes = yes
>   Priority = 20
>   AllowIncompleteJobs = no
>   Accurate = yes
>   AllowDuplicateJobs = no
> }
> This is the backup job that is already running:
> Job {
>   Name = “backup1"
>   Pool = “pool1"
>   FullBackupPool = “pool1"
>   IncrementalBackupPool = “pool1"
>   Fileset = “fs1"
>   Schedule = “schd1"
>   JobDefs = “default2"
>   Enabled = yes
>   AllowIncompleteJobs = no
>   AllowDuplicateJobs = no
>   AllowMixedPriority = yes
> }
> JobDefs {
>   Name = “default2"
>   Type = "Backup"
>   Level = "Full"
>   Messages = "Standard"
>   Pool = "default1"
>   Client = “machine1"
>   Fileset = "EmptyFileset"
>   Schedule = “sched2"
>   Priority = 20
>   Accurate = yes
> }
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