Greetings to all, I have the simple Admin job "truncate-pools-all” (see further down) and I would like to be able to run it concurrently while some backup job “backup1" (see further down) is running. Lets say backup jobs have Priority = 20. The Runscript Console command has Priority = 10 and uses drive number 9, which is very likely not in use when the Admin job is started. The backup jobs usually use drive number 0. Both jobs have set AllowMixedPriority = yes. While I can successfully run this command in bconsole concurrently when a backup job is already running, when starting the Admin job the Bacula queuing algorithm puts this Admin job in the queue and it is waiting until the currently running backup job has finished. My understanding was that this is normal behaviour when AllowMixedPriority = no (default). However, I have explicitly enabled AllowMixedPriority and still it does not work. The MaximumConcurrentJobs are 5 or 20 in different components, except for the SD file autochanger drives, there it is set to 1.
My first guess would be, that somehow the SD does not automagically make use of the available unoccupied drives of the autochanger (although the default behaviour should be AutoSelect = yes). So it tells the director that the drive is busy and then the director makes the Admin job wait. But I could also be wrong, as I am not an expert on Bacula topics. What would I need to change to get this to work as expected and described at the top of this mail? Thanks for considering my question and have a good time, J/C Job { Name = "truncate-pools-all" Type = "Admin" JobDefs = "default1" Enabled = no Runscript { RunsOnClient = no RunsWhen = "Before" Console = "truncate volume allpools storage=unraid-tier1-storage drive=9" } Priority = 10 AllowDuplicateJobs = no AllowMixedPriority = yes } JobDefs { Name = "default1" Type = "Backup" Level = "Full" Messages = "Standard" Pool = "default1" FullBackupPool = "default1" IncrementalBackupPool = "default1" Client = “machine1" Fileset = "EmptyFileset" MaxFullInterval = 2678400 SpoolAttributes = yes Priority = 20 AllowIncompleteJobs = no Accurate = yes AllowDuplicateJobs = no } This is the backup job that is already running: Job { Name = “backup1" Pool = “pool1" FullBackupPool = “pool1" IncrementalBackupPool = “pool1" Fileset = “fs1" Schedule = “schd1" JobDefs = “default2" Enabled = yes AllowIncompleteJobs = no AllowDuplicateJobs = no AllowMixedPriority = yes } JobDefs { Name = “default2" Type = "Backup" Level = "Full" Messages = "Standard" Pool = "default1" Client = “machine1" Fileset = "EmptyFileset" Schedule = “sched2" Priority = 20 Accurate = yes } _______________________________________________ Bacula-users mailing list