Unfortunately, the error is the same
W dniu 2022-01-11 o 15:59, Pedro Oliveira pisze:
Hi Tomasz,
Please could you change the following option on your device in your
BEE Storage Daemon Server Configuration file
The second change that is necessary to make automatic labeling work is
to give the Storage daemon permission to automatically label Volumes.
Do so by adding*LabelMedia = yes*to the Device resource as follows:
Device {
Name = Drive0
Media Type = LTO8
Drive Index = 0
Archive Device = /dev/nst0 # Normal archive device
Autochanger = yes
LabelMedia = yes
RandomAccess = no
AutomaticMount = yes
AlwaysOpen = yes
RemovableMedia = yes
Maximum Changer Wait = 600
Maximum Rewind Wait = 600
Maximum Open Wait = 600
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2
and check if the issue, persists. Please note that you need to restarr
your Bacula SD service.
Best Regards
Às 14:33 de 11/01/22, Tomasz Świderski escreveu:
Set up a library of tapes in Bacula. I have a problem when I want to
label in bconsole.
* label barcode
3306 Issuing autochanger "slots" command.
Device "LibraryHP0" has 8 slots.
3306 Issuing autochanger "list" command.
The following Volumes will be labeled:
Volume slot
1 270011L8
2 270012L8
3 .........
Sending label command for Volume "270011L8" Slot 1 ...
3999 Device "LibraryHP0" not found or could not be opened.
Label command failed for Volume 270011L8.
I've done the tests recommended in the documentation before
(mtx-changer, mt). They all work. In bconsole, I can properly execute
commands on the library: update slots, mount, un mount, status slots.
Unfortunately, the label and label barcode ends with an error as
mentioned above.
My configuration snippets:
The library and bacula-sd is installed on a different host than
Autochanger {
Name = LibraryHP0
Device = Drive0
Changer Device = /dev/sg5
Changer Command = "/opt/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
Device {
Name = Drive0
Media Type = LTO8
Drive Index = 0
Archive Device = /dev/nst0 # Normal archive device
Autochanger = yes
LabelMedia = no
RandomAccess = no
AutomaticMount = yes
AlwaysOpen = yes
RemovableMedia = yes
Maximum Changer Wait = 600
Maximum Rewind Wait = 600
Maximum Open Wait = 600
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2
Autochanger {
Name = k-bacula3-sd-LibraryHP
Address =
SDPort = 9103
Password = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Device = LibraryHP0
Media Type = LTO-8
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
Autochanger = k-bacula3-sd-LibraryHP
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