On 21.05.2021 20:08, Phil Stracchino wrote:
On 5/21/21 1:35 PM, Marc Elser wrote:

I'm running bacula "Version: 9.6.5 (11 June 2020)" on a gentoo linux
system installed by gentoo's package manager. This is what gentoo has as
latest stable version. Although 9.6.6 would be available in testing branch.

There is an 11.0.2 ebuild available as of a couple of days ago.  I've
tested it and it appears sound.

Ok, I updated to 11.0.2. now but the issue is exactly the same only that
with 11.0.2 it detects the device not mounted error much faster (not
such much retries). And as before if I mount the nfs share manually
before I start the backup everything works fine.

I'm struggling to make bacula-sd to mount an nfs drive. The device
configuration is as follows but it never mounts the nfs drive, although
unmount is working fine:

Pardon me for interrupting here, but:  What is your NFS host?  Is it
some form of appliance that you *cannot* install a Bacula storage daemon on?

I'm backing up to a Synology NAS device which offers an App Store but
Bacula is not offered among the backup apps so running an SD on it is
not possible. There have been some hacks with bootstrapping installing,
libs etc. but most of them outdated and not worth the hassle.

While you *CAN* run backups to an NFS-mounted volume, it is strongly
recommended (for performance reasons among others) that *if possible*,
you install a storage daemon directly on the NFS host and use that SD
for your backups instead, so that the SD is writing to local disk
instead of to an NFS mount.

So, in the end we're back at square 1. As mount the nfs share is the
only option for me and I still have no clue on how I can debug what's
going wrong with mounting

But thanks for the help

Device {
    Name = FileChgr1-Dev1
    Media Type = File1
    Archive Device = /mnt/backupmount/bacula
    LabelMedia = yes;
    Random Access = yes;
    AutomaticMount = yes;
    RemovableMedia = yes;
    AlwaysOpen = no;
    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
    Requires Mount = yes;
    Mount Point = /mnt/backupmount
    Mount Command = "/bin/mount -t nfs -o rsize=32768,wsize=32768
DISKSTATION:/volume1/LinuxBackup %m"
    Unmount Command = "/bin/umount %m"

I always get errors like this in the console:
21-May 18:41 localhost-dir JobId 4: Start Backup JobId 4,
21-May 18:41 localhost-sd JobId 4: Error: init_dev.c:122 [SE0001] Unable
to stat device FileChgr1-Dev1 at /mnt/backupmount/bacula: ERR=No such
file or directory
21-May 18:41 localhost-sd JobId 4: Warning:
       Device "FileChgr1-Dev1" in changer "FileChgr1" requested by DIR
could not be opened or does not exist
And then the last 2 lines repeat over and over until the job fails.

When I mount the nfs share manually (with copy & paste values taken from
bacula-sd config) it works perfectly and then backup starts writing it's
data and finishes just fine and as I wrote above it even properly
umounts the nfs share once job is complete.

I also tried enclosing "Mount Point" in quotes but without success. The
problem with this is also that I cannot find out if the mount command
fails with some error or is completely ignored as you can see in the
console output it just says start backup and then immediately starts
failing but I don't see any messag abount mounting or so.

I'm really out of ideas and what to try to make it work. I think it
would be useful to get more data from bacula-sd on what it's doing (if
it's trying to mount at all or not and if so what error it encounters)
but I couldn't find out how to do that.



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