On 5/21/21 1:35 PM, Marc Elser wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running bacula "Version: 9.6.5 (11 June 2020)" on a gentoo linux
> system installed by gentoo's package manager. This is what gentoo has as
> latest stable version. Although 9.6.6 would be available in testing branch.

There is an 11.0.2 ebuild available as of a couple of days ago.  I've
tested it and it appears sound.

> I'm struggling to make bacula-sd to mount an nfs drive. The device
> configuration is as follows but it never mounts the nfs drive, although
> unmount is working fine:

Pardon me for interrupting here, but:  What is your NFS host?  Is it
some form of appliance that you *cannot* install a Bacula storage daemon on?

While you *CAN* run backups to an NFS-mounted volume, it is strongly
recommended (for performance reasons among others) that *if possible*,
you install a storage daemon directly on the NFS host and use that SD
for your backups instead, so that the SD is writing to local disk
instead of to an NFS mount.

> Device {
>    Name = FileChgr1-Dev1
>    Media Type = File1
>    Archive Device = /mnt/backupmount/bacula
>    LabelMedia = yes;
>    Random Access = yes;
>    AutomaticMount = yes;
>    RemovableMedia = yes;
>    AlwaysOpen = no;
>    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
>    Requires Mount = yes;
>    Mount Point = /mnt/backupmount
>    Mount Command = "/bin/mount -t nfs -o rsize=32768,wsize=32768
> DISKSTATION:/volume1/LinuxBackup %m"
>    Unmount Command = "/bin/umount %m"
> }
> I always get errors like this in the console:
> ----
> 21-May 18:41 localhost-dir JobId 4: Start Backup JobId 4,
> Job=BackupClient1.2021-05-21_18.41.20_13
> 21-May 18:41 localhost-sd JobId 4: Error: init_dev.c:122 [SE0001] Unable
> to stat device FileChgr1-Dev1 at /mnt/backupmount/bacula: ERR=No such
> file or directory
> 21-May 18:41 localhost-sd JobId 4: Warning:
>       Device "FileChgr1-Dev1" in changer "FileChgr1" requested by DIR
> could not be opened or does not exist
> ----
> And then the last 2 lines repeat over and over until the job fails.
> When I mount the nfs share manually (with copy & paste values taken from
> bacula-sd config) it works perfectly and then backup starts writing it's
> data and finishes just fine and as I wrote above it even properly
> umounts the nfs share once job is complete.
> I also tried enclosing "Mount Point" in quotes but without success. The
> problem with this is also that I cannot find out if the mount command
> fails with some error or is completely ignored as you can see in the
> console output it just says start backup and then immediately starts
> failing but I don't see any messag abount mounting or so.
> I'm really out of ideas and what to try to make it work. I think it
> would be useful to get more data from bacula-sd on what it's doing (if
> it's trying to mount at all or not and if so what error it encounters)
> but I couldn't find out how to do that.
> Cheers,
> Marc
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