On 11/19/20 1:32 PM, byron wrote:
I'm running version 9.0.6 on debian stretch
I have a tape library with two drives configured as follows in
bacula-sd.conf. I run 10 jobs every night and they always all run on
Drive-1. I'm now having a problem with that Drive and would like to
force all jobs to run on Drive-2. What's the easiest way to do that?
In bacula-sd.conf, place 'Autoselect = no' in the Device stanza of the
drive that is malfunctioning. Be sure to unload any tape that may be in
the drive before doing so. After updating bacula-sd.conf you will need
to restart SD.
# An autochanger device with two drives
Autochanger {
Name = Autochanger
Device = Drive-1
Device = Drive-2
Changer Command = "/soft/general/bacula-9.0.6/conf/mtx-changer %c %o
%S %a %d"
#Changer Device = /dev/sg0
Changer Device = /dev/changer
Device {
Name = Drive-1
Media Type = LTO-7
Archive Device = /dev/tapedrive1
#Archive Device = /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-350014380272c4ac9-nst #
points to nst1
Drive Index = 0
AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it
AlwaysOpen = yes;
RemovableMedia = yes;
RandomAccess = no;
Maximum File Size = 50GB
# Maximum Block Size = 1048576
Maximum Block Size = 524288
# Maximum Block Size = 262144
#Maximum Network Buffer Size = 65536
Changer Command = "/soft/general/bacula-9.0.6/conf/mtx-changer %c %o
%S %a %d"
Changer Device = /dev/changer
#Changer Device = /dev/sg0
AutoChanger = yes
Spool Directory = /bacula/spool/
# New alert command in Bacula 9.0.0
# Note: you must have the sg3_utils (rpms) or the
# sg3-utils (deb) installed on your system.
# and you must set the correct control device that
# corresponds to the Archive Device
Control Device = /dev/tapescsi1 # must be SCSI ctl for /dev/nst0
Alert Command = "/soft/general/bacula-9.0.6/conf/tapealert %l"
# Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded
# Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"
# If you have smartctl, enable this, it has more info than tapeinfo
#Alert Command = "sh -c 'smartctl -H -l error %c'"
Device {
Name = Drive-2
Drive Index = 1
Media Type = LTO-7
Archive Device = /dev/tapedrive2
#Archive Device = /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-350014380272c4acc-nst #
points to nst0
AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it
AlwaysOpen = yes;
RemovableMedia = yes;
RandomAccess = no;
Maximum File Size = 50GB
# Maximum Block Size = 1048576
Maximum Block Size = 524288
# Maximum Block Size = 262144
#Maximum Network Buffer Size = 65536
Changer Command = "/soft/general/bacula-9.0.6/conf/mtx-changer %c %o
%S %a %d"
Changer Device = /dev/changer
#Changer Device = /dev/sg0
AutoChanger = yes
Spool Directory = /bacula/spool/
# New alert command in Bacula 9.0.0
# Note: you must have the sg3_utils (rpms) or the
# sg3-utils (deb) installed on your system.
# and you must set the correct control device that
# corresponds to the Archive Device
Control Device = /dev/tapescsi2 # must be SCSI ctl for /dev/nst0
Alert Command = "/soft/general/bacula-9.0.6/conf/tapealert %l"
# Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded
# Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"
# If you have smartctl, enable this, it has more info than tapeinfo
#Alert Command = "sh -c 'smartctl -H -l error %c'"
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