Thank you Marcin.

Can you tell me what repository URL I should use to have the Baculum updates 
installed via the package manager (apt-get…, Debian Buster)? It is currently 
"buster/updates/contrib/main/non-free” from " 

On the PHP change, I have some packages that will not work with 7.4 so I must 
retain 7.3. Is there a Baculum configuration option to use 7.4 for Baculum only 
or is this a system-wide option set in Apache2 mods-enabled? This question 
betrays my confusion over apps with different PHP version requirements :(

Currently PHP is set at 7.3 in Apache2 but it is possible to enable any number 
of PHP versions. I have 7.0, 7.3 and 7.4 available. Not sure if this is a bad 


> On 28 Jun 2020, at 16:45, Marcin Haba <> wrote:
> Hello,
> We are pleased to announce the new Baculum release.
> So far Baculum has been released together with Bacula. Now it changed
> a bit that Baculum releases will be more frequent and in some cases
> (like this) independent of Bacula releases. This change is introduced
> because Baculum is developed with different intensivity than Bacula
> and to provide new Baculum changes in reasonable time there is needed
> this changed, shorter release cycle. Baculum versions marked with a
> four digit number X.X.X.X will be released between traditional Baculum
> versions released together with Bacula.
> New changes and fixes:
> - Request #2504 add local user authentication method support
> - Add date and time formatters - idea proposed by Wanderlei Huttel
> - Add remove runscript button
> - Enable re-running jobs in async way and visual improvements
> - Fix logout button on authorization failed page
> - Fix date formatter to work with PHP 7.4
> - Fix configure Bacula hosts page to work with PHP 7.4
> - Close modal windows on pressing ESC key
> - Update Portuguese translations
> - Change colours in table headers and borders
> - Change cursor over selectable table
> Source archive:
> Archive signature:
> Documentation: 
> Online demo:
> Binary packages (rpm and deb) are available as usual in
> Baculum repositories on
> Best regards,
> Marcin Haba (gani)
> -- 
> "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for
> his friends." Jesus Christ
> "Większej miłości nikt nie ma nad tę, jak gdy kto życie swoje kładzie
> za przyjaciół swoich." Jezus Chrystus
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