
We are pleased to announce the new Baculum release.

So far Baculum has been released together with Bacula. Now it changed
a bit that Baculum releases will be more frequent and in some cases
(like this) independent of Bacula releases. This change is introduced
because Baculum is developed with different intensivity than Bacula
and to provide new Baculum changes in reasonable time there is needed
this changed, shorter release cycle. Baculum versions marked with a
four digit number X.X.X.X will be released between traditional Baculum
versions released together with Bacula.

New changes and fixes:

 - Request #2504 add local user authentication method support
 - Add date and time formatters - idea proposed by Wanderlei Huttel
 - Add remove runscript button
 - Enable re-running jobs in async way and visual improvements
 - Fix logout button on authorization failed page
 - Fix date formatter to work with PHP 7.4
 - Fix configure Bacula hosts page to work with PHP 7.4
 - Close modal windows on pressing ESC key
 - Update Portuguese translations
 - Change colours in table headers and borders
 - Change cursor over selectable table

Source archive:
Archive signature:
Online demo: https://baculum.app

Binary packages (rpm and deb) are available as usual in
Baculum repositories on bacula.org.

Best regards,
Marcin Haba (gani)

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for
his friends." Jesus Christ

"Większej miłości nikt nie ma nad tę, jak gdy kto życie swoje kładzie
za przyjaciół swoich." Jezus Chrystus

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