I have used bacula off and on again for many years. Recently in this
list I was asking for help trying to integrate Bacula with back-end
cloud storage. Namely, I was trying to integrate with Backblaze cloud
storage. I went around trying different solutions, and thought I would
share here.
My first attempt was to use rclone-changer (http://bit.ly/2DdvEEL). As
I had used both rclone and duplicity using various scripts, this seemed
like a natural place to start. Unfortunately, I could not get any
farther than what it looked like other users experienced. It would work
with a single virtual volume, but when you would try to label tapes with
barcode command, it could not load and unload virtual tapes and label
them correctly (outside the first volume). It looked like other people
had had the same experience (based on bug reports). I was never able to
get the solution working outside of using the one single virtual volume.
Next I went for using, bacula's native, bacula-cloud-storage module.
When I first starting down this path I was unaware that it was designed
for S3/AWS. As I was wanting a Backblaze solution, I searched for a
solution from the interwebs. This is where I found minio
(http://bit.ly/2EW0ulV). It is basically a proxy between S3 command set
and Backblaze that allows for backing up files in this fashion
bacula->bacula-cloud-storage->minio->B2-cloud-engine. Although I did
get this working, and it could certainly be a solution, I just was not
comfortable with the configuration (don't have a real technical reason
why I did not stick with solution).
Next up I went with vchanger ( http://bit.ly/2E297eg ) and OpenDedup (
http://bit.ly/2ETFaxF ). In this solution I use OpenDedup to mount my
Backblaze bucket to my local file-system, and use the vchanger script to
act as my autochanger for my virtual volumes. Again, I am not 100% I
completely have a handle of the mounted SDFS (backblaze volume). For
example, it uses your local file system for speed. So I have not tested
the scenario if my local volume disappeared. I am not 100% certain if I
would be able to 100% recover using only the files (virtual tape
volumes) that are in the cloud.
On a side note I use the vchanger script outside of just for use with
Backblaze storage.
I don't have enough testing or experience with any of the configurations
to recommend a good solution, but I thought it might be worth sharing
some of the various configurations I tried with the goal of being able
to integrate bacula with a back-end cloud storage engine.
Thank You.
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