I have been working with bacula for almost 10 years. It’s a
great program and I’ve installed in several servers without issues, Also It has
saved me several times! 😉 . Recently I’ve been preparing a Bacula server with
the latest version 9.0.4 with a HP Ultrium 7 tape drive. After running
successfully the btape test run, I performed the first backup and restore to
test the unit. During the first backup its fails with the following error:
JobId 28: Elapsed time=00:04:54, Transfer rate=20.13 M Bytes/second 30-Oct
13:16 local-sd JobId 28: Fatal error: Alert: Volume="TEST3" alert=3: ERR=The
operation has stopped because an error has occurred while reading or writing
data which the drive cannot correct. The drive had a hard read or write error
30-Oct 13:16 local-sd JobId 28: Fatal error: Alert: Volume="TEST3" alert=5:
ERR=The tape is damaged or the drive is faulty. Call the tape drive supplier
helpline. The drive can no longer read data from the tape 30-Oct 13:16
local-sd JobId 28: Warning: Disabled Device "LTO-7" (/dev/nst0) due to tape
local-sd JobId 28: Warning: Alert: Volume="TEST3" alert=39: ERR=The tape drive
may have a fault. Check for availability of diagnostic information and run
extended diagnostics if applicable. The drive may have had a failure which
may be identified by stored diagnostic information or by running extended
diagnostics (eg Send Diagnostic). Check the tape drive users manual for
instructions on running extended diagnostic tests and retrieving diagnostic
FileSet: "Full Set" 2017-09-29 19:01:12
Pool: "TEST" (From Job resource)
Catalog: "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
Storage: "LTO-7" (From Pool resource)
Scheduled time: 30-Oct-2017 13:10:55
Start time: 30-Oct-2017 13:11:03
End time: 30-Oct-2017 13:16:12
Elapsed time: 5 mins 9 secs
Priority: 11
FD Files Written: 190,214
SD Files Written: 190,214
FD Bytes Written: 5,891,151,955 (5.891 GB)
SD Bytes Written: 5,919,950,296 (5.919 GB)
Rate: 19065.2 KB/s
Software Compression: None
Comm Line Compression: None
Snapshot/VSS: no
Encryption: no
Accurate: no
Volume name(s): TEST3
Volume Session Id: 1
Volume Session Time: 1509379838
Last Volume Bytes: 17,790,732,288 (17.79 GB)
Non-fatal FD errors: 0
SD Errors: 1
FD termination status: OK
SD termination status: Error
Termination: *** Backup Error ***
As the error implies I ran the HP LTT tools but as far as I went all drive
diagnostics seems to be ok.
Looking into the failed backup job, it’s seems that the job failed just after
files are backed up, since all test jobs have the same size, around 5GB which
is the size of the test files. Also I can restore it back but finished with the
same error. The files are not stored in the catalog since the backup job fails,
so I had to restore all files at once.
30-Oct 13:20 local-dir JobId 29: Using Device "LTO-7" to read.
30-Oct 13:20 local-sd JobId 29: Ready to read from volume "TEST3" on Tape
device "LTO-7" (/dev/nst0).
30-Oct 13:20 local-sd JobId 29: Forward spacing Volume "TEST3" to addr=2:0
30-Oct 13:22 local-sd JobId 29: Elapsed time=00:01:37, Transfer rate=61.03 M
Bytes/second 30-Oct 13:22 local-sd JobId 29: Fatal error: Alert:
Volume="TEST3" alert=3: ERR=The operation has stopped because an error has
occurred while reading or writing data which the drive cannot correct. The
drive had a hard read or write error 30-Oct 13:22 .local-sd JobId 29: Fatal
error: Alert: Volume="TEST3" alert=5: ERR=The tape is damaged or the drive is
faulty. Call the tape drive supplier helpline. The drive can no longer read
data from the tape 30-Oct 13: .local-sd JobId 29: Warning: Disabled Device
"LTO-7" (/dev/nst0) due to tape alert=39.
30-Oct 13:22 .local-sd JobId 29: Warning: Alert: Volume="TEST3" alert=39:
ERR=The tape drive may have a fault. Check for availability of diagnostic
information and run extended diagnostics if applicable. The drive may have
had a failure which may be identified by stored diagnostic information or by
running extended diagnostics (eg Send Diagnostic). Check the tape drive users
manual for instructions on running extended diagnostic tests and retrieving
diagnostic data.
30-Oct 13:22 APSSCL0SRV010.apsa.local-dir JobId 29: Error: Bacula .local-dir
9.0.4 (06Sep17):
Build OS: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu redhat (Core)
JobId: 29
Job: RestoreFiles.2017-10-30_13.19.42_04
Restore Client: .local-fd
Start time: 30-Oct-2017 13:19:44
End time: 30-Oct-2017 13:22:23
Files Expected: 190,214
Files Restored: 190,214
Bytes Restored: 5,891,133,870
Rate: 37051.2 KB/s
FD Errors: 0
FD termination status: OK
SD termination status: Error
Termination: *** Restore Error ***
Testing a HP Ultirum 6 unit, Bacula works flawlessly.
So I’m starting to doubt about this unit despite its diagnostics seems to be
ok. Also I will upgrade the firmware and also driver from HPe site, and test.
Also perform a tar test round.
But meanwhile, I’m wondering if one of you have experienced something like
this? Are LTO-7 compatible with Bacula? Are there some special
parameters/config for this units (LTO-7) ?
Thanks in advance.
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