Ich habe die Schritte aus dem Handbuch benutzt.FileSet option. "This option 
works like the verify= one, that is described in the FileSetFileSetResource 
chapter. "
FileSet {
  Name = Full
  Include = {
    Options {
       BaseJob  = pmugcs5
       Accurate = mcs
       Verify   = pin5
    File = /
 Job {
    Name = USR
    Level = Base
    FileSet = BaseFS
  Job {
    Name = Full
    FileSet = FullFS
    Base = USR
  FileSet {
    Name = BaseFS
    Include {
      Options {
        Signature = MD5
      File = /usr
  FileSet {
    Name = FullFS
    Include {
      Options {
        Accurate = Ms      # check for mtime/ctime and Size
        Signature = MD5
      File = /home
      File = /usr
Das sagt mir das ich auch MD5 benutzen kann.
Die MD5 Summe wird ja auch in der Datenbank hinterlegt aber beim nächsten 
Backup irgend wie ignoriert.
Eine andere Lösung wäre für mich ja auch OK.
Deduplication Optimized Volumes zum Beispiel.
Ich möchte nur nicht verschobene oder umbenannte Daten immer wieder neu Sichern 
wenn es nicht nötig ist.
Die Enterprise Variante ist leider zu Teuer auch wenn Sie gut funktioniert.

Gesendet: Montag, 11. September 2017 um 17:05 Uhr
Von: "Radosław Korzeniewski" <rados...@korzeniewski.net>
An: "Roberts, Ben" <ben.robe...@gsacapital.com>, "Fabian Brod" 
Cc: "Bacula Support" <bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Betreff: Re: [Bacula-users] Fw: Aw: Re: Renamed and moved files are backed up 

2017-09-06 10:01 GMT+02:00 Roberts, Ben 

Hi Fabian,
Others on the list may correct me if I’m wrong, but fundamentally Bacula treats 
different filenames as different entities to be backed up, regardless of 
content being shared across multiple files. The flags you have been changing 
only relax the checks for a given filename to see whether it should be backed 
up or not based on changes to content or metadata. Renaming or moving a file 
will cause the object to be backed up under the new filename again.

To correct all misleading statements someone can spread across internet: Bacula 
will always backup the file on Incremental or Differential backups which 
fullname (path+filename) does not exist at previous backups (some additional 
restrictions/conditions apply). It is a true for both Bacula Community and 
Bacula Enterprise and I believe it is a true for virtually every backup system 
you have in the wild. No exceptions. This is a fundamental backup functionality.
The main difference you can get using different backup software (i.e. BC vs. 
BEE+Deduplication) is the content size stored in archive. Some software can 
compress (as a deduplication is a kind of data compression) the file content to 
achieve smaller data archive. This is what Bacula Enterprise with GED or 
Aligned volumes (*) try to do.
*) To be correct Aligned volumes does not make deduplication but allow third 
party external deduplication software/hardware to makes the best.
best regards--
Radosław Korzeniewski

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