Hi Fabian,
Others on the list may correct me if I’m wrong, but fundamentally Bacula treats
different filenames as different entities to be backed up, regardless of
content being shared across multiple files. The flags you have been changing
only relax the checks for a given filename to see whether it should be backed
up or not based on changes to content or metadata. Renaming or moving a file
will cause the object to be backed up under the new filename again.
There are three possible solutions to your problem I’m aware of, both
enterprise features. I have not used either, so may be wrong about their
- Accept that moved/renamed files will be backed up multiple times, and have
sufficient storage on your SD to account for this. If you can, minimise the
number of moved/renamed files.
- Deduplication volumes
I think the data is still sent over the network and committed to the filesystem
again, but because the data content is identical, the blocks are only stored
once on disk and so doesn’t take up additional storage space. Looking at the
PDF, this requires either ZFS or Netapp. Deduplication on ZFS at least demands
a lot of memory overhead, so your SD machine has the be appropriately spec’d.
- Global Endpoint Deduplication
Stores identical blocks only once across all clients. I think this will handle
the case where the filenames are different but the content is shared, as
happens with file moves and renames.
Ben Roberts
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