On Thursday 2017-08-24 06:33:30 Ben Laurie wrote:
> May not be relevant that this is Windows, but ... in the docs it says
> that if a change is made to a FileSet, the next backup will be a full
> backup.
> However, I am trying to tune a windows fileset, and two things are
> happening:
> 1. If I change the FileSet then run a backup, it is an incremental
> backup,

Are you using the option IgnoreFileSetChanges in your file set?

> 2. The incremental backup includes files that are excluded by the
> FileSet, even though an estimate command does _not_ show those files.
> Any idea what is going on here?

Did you reload the bacula to apply the changes you made in the
bacula configuration?

Josip Deanovic

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