>>>>> On Wed, 22 Mar 2017 13:52:50 +0300, Konstantin Khomoutov said:
> On Wed, 22 Mar 2017 12:07:55 +0300
> Konstantin Khomoutov <flatw...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> [...]
> > Here, the job starts at 338:1 and ends at 339:10868, how do I write
> > out the bootstrap file's data to cover that whole range in it?
> > From [1], it appears that I could use
> > 
> >   VolFile=338-339
> > 
> > to cover the files but the VolBlock spec appears to pertain to a
> > single VolFile.  I thought of using multiple VolFile + VolBlock pairs
> > but that would require me to use an open range for the VolBlock of the
> > first pair, something like
> [...]
> Looks like I could combine the output of `bls -j` with the output of
> `bls -v` run on the same volume: from the former, I'd get the starting
> and ending VolFile-s, and from the latter, I'd get a range of FileIndex
> values and/or VolSessionId+VolSessionTime tuple which would cover both
> "coarse-grained" tape positioning and "fine-grained" selection of what
> to restore.
> Still, I'd love to hear opinions on this matter from those well-versed
> in how restoration from the tape works.

The bsr format has an undocumented keyword VolAddr (which Bacula uses when it
writes a bsr).  When present, it overrides VolFile and VolBlock like this:

VolAddr = (VolFile << 32) + VolBlock


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