On 3/19/2016 3:41 PM, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> On 03/19/16 10:56, Josh Fisher wrote:
>> On 3/17/2016 8:48 AM, Alan Brown wrote:
>>> . What's killed all these "smaller"
>>> formats is cheap(ish) HDD/SSDs, cloud storage and the likes of Netflix.
>>> That's despite even BDXL 120GB not being large enough capacity to hold a
>>> complete 4k video title.
>> RDX is a good choice for "smaller" format, although smaller is relative.
>> The bottom line is that a USB3 RDX drive and 6 2 TB cartridges is about
>> the same cost as a single LTO-6 drive and 4 2.5 TB cartridges. If media
>> needs in the long term will stay below 12 - 16 TB, then RDX is the
>> simpler, and IMO better choice. Above that, LTO-6 wins out due to much
>> lower media cost.
>> For the backup window factor, LTO-6 wins every time. However, RDX
>> performance is on par with LTO-4, so for many, if not most, small
>> businesses, it meets their needs.
> I'm still surprised that cloud storage is even considered by anyone but
> single users with a single PC.  And even there I'm surprised it's viable
> given how poor most US "broadband" service is.
> What do you mean about the backup window, though?

The amount of time available to run backups, or that the backups must 
run within a certain time frame such that the speed of the backup 
devices becomes an important factor.

> What's the best way to handle a removable-cartridge-drive technology
> like RDX in Bacula -- use the virtual changer...?

Apart from hardware encryption and robustness, RDX is just normal HDD to 
the system, so virtual changer or vchanger. The built-in virtual changer 
allows auto-labeling volumes, while vchanger allows multiple 
simultaneously attached cartridges to act as a single autolchanger and 
supports automounting and autorun of 'update slots' on cartridge changes.

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