Hello Lylex,
You can delete (i'm sorry this is too late) jobs and volumes for the old
servers using the purge command from bconsole. The pools (if they were only
used by the old servers and you are not going to use them anymore) should
be deleted using the delete command from bconsole and removing their
definitions from the bacula-dir.conf (or whatever conf file you have your
pools definitions).
If you have your pools configured to automatic labeling volumes, then they
will be created on demand. Otherwise, you must explicitly create them using
bconsole/label command.
Best regards,
On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 12:25 AM, Lylex Ryan <lylexr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Well, I couldn't wait. ;-) So I used bconsole to delete the pools and
> volumes for the old servers.
> Now my filesystem has room, and I'll restart Bacula. But will new backup
> volumes be created on demand by the backup jobs, or do they have to be
> explicitly created?
> Thanks....Lyle
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