Dear Ben,
Thank you very much. Part of my mind had wondered if it was a change
in display behavior as I only recently upgraded to 7.0. As you can see from
the configs they are all on the same SD instance. I think it doesn't
deduplicate the other Disk storage because it's using a different local IP
in it's config.
On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 4:36 AM, Roberts, Ben <>
> Hi Shon,
> > I am having an issue where when I run a status command in bconsole,
> select "Storage",
> > I am only presented with the option for status on 3 of my defined
> storage resources.
> > I am trying to figure out why this is, but am being left with a blank.
> Backups do seem
> > to be running at present, but I should have a lot more devices to status.
> This was a documented change for 7.0 (
> . When multiple storage definitions point at the same SD instance, Bacula
> is de-duplicating the entries that show up in the list, since selecting any
> one of them shows the status of the entire SD multiple entries in the list
> would give the same output.
> I agree it’s confusing when a seemingly arbitrary subset of your defined
> storages show up, and you have to remember which storage resource points at
> which SD, and if the one you wanted is not there, which of the entries
> listed is on the same SD instance.
> Regards,
> Ben Roberts
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