Hi Shon,

> I am having an issue where when I run a status command in bconsole, select 
> "Storage",
> I am only presented with the option for status on 3 of my defined storage 
> resources.
> I am trying to figure out why this is, but am being left with a blank. 
> Backups do seem
> to be running at present, but I should have a lot more devices to status.

This was a documented change for 7.0 
 . When multiple storage definitions point at the same SD instance, Bacula is 
de-duplicating the entries that show up in the list, since selecting any one of 
them shows the status of the entire SD multiple entries in the list would give 
the same output.

I agree it’s confusing when a seemingly arbitrary subset of your defined 
storages show up, and you have to remember which storage resource points at 
which SD, and if the one you wanted is not there, which of the entries listed 
is on the same SD instance.

Ben Roberts

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