On 2015-12-24 07:34 AM, Daniel Bareiro wrote:
> Hi Wanderlei and Greg.
> On 23/12/15 15:34, Greg Woods wrote:
>>>     am thinking of using Debian Jessie which includes Bacula 5.2.6 in its
>>>     repository for director and storage daemon. But I remember a few cases
>>>     where I have experienced incompatibilities if the client versions are
>>>     far from the server version. Correct me if I'm wrong, please.
>> The requirement is FD <= (SD == DIR). The storage daemon and director
>> must be the same version, and must be newer than or the same as  any
>> file daemons of any of the clients. I do use a 7.0.5 director and
>> storage daemon (compiled from source on Debian Jessie in the SD case)
>> with some clients that have 5.2.6 file daemons and that works just fine.
> Thanks for your answers and for the considerations mentioned about the
> versions.
> Greg, you mention having compiled the SD on Jessie, but I guess you've
> also compiled the Director, right? Since both must have the same
> version. Though I suppose that the Director may also be on another host
> that includes Bacula 7.0.5 in its repositories.
> About using Jessie, is it worth compile the Director and SD? That is,
> improvements regarding the versions provided by Jessie (5.2.6) make a
> substantial difference? What improvements have you noticed?
> My idea is to use Jessie for Director and storage daemon. Among the
> client hosts I've Squeeze LTS, CentOS 5.10, Ubuntu and Microsoft Windows
> server (2008R2 SP1 server edition and 2003R2 SP2 standard edition).
>  From what I was looking for Squeeze, the latest version is on Backports
> (5.2.6) because the version on the squeeze-lts repository is even older
> (5.0.2). I think the Ubuntu version of Bacula is the same as on Debian
> Squeeze. Moreover, I think CentOS does not include Bacula in their
> repositories (at least in the official repositories, according I was
> watching). So maybe in this case the compilation is the only alternative.
> Have you found any problem using some version of File Daemon for Windows
> (especially in versions of Windows such as those mentioned above)?
> Thanks again for your replies.
> Best regards,
> Daniel

I too am running a 7.0.5 director and storage daemon with mostly 5.2.6 

Compiling the 7.x binaries is simple enough on a Debian/Ubuntu box to 
make it well worth it.  I haven't seen any particular reason to worry 
about the file daemon (clients) though, they appear to work fine with 
the 5.x binaries as shipped.  However on the director/storage side 
there's been more than a few bugs squashed between 5.2 and 7.0.5!


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