Hi Wanderlei and Greg.

On 23/12/15 15:34, Greg Woods wrote:
> >    am thinking of using Debian Jessie which includes Bacula 5.2.6 in its
> >    repository for director and storage daemon. But I remember a few cases
> >    where I have experienced incompatibilities if the client versions are
> >    far from the server version. Correct me if I'm wrong, please.

> The requirement is FD <= (SD == DIR). The storage daemon and director
> must be the same version, and must be newer than or the same as  any
> file daemons of any of the clients. I do use a 7.0.5 director and
> storage daemon (compiled from source on Debian Jessie in the SD case)
> with some clients that have 5.2.6 file daemons and that works just fine.

Thanks for your answers and for the considerations mentioned about the

Greg, you mention having compiled the SD on Jessie, but I guess you've
also compiled the Director, right? Since both must have the same
version. Though I suppose that the Director may also be on another host
that includes Bacula 7.0.5 in its repositories.

About using Jessie, is it worth compile the Director and SD? That is,
improvements regarding the versions provided by Jessie (5.2.6) make a
substantial difference? What improvements have you noticed?

My idea is to use Jessie for Director and storage daemon. Among the
client hosts I've Squeeze LTS, CentOS 5.10, Ubuntu and Microsoft Windows
server (2008R2 SP1 server edition and 2003R2 SP2 standard edition).

From what I was looking for Squeeze, the latest version is on Backports
(5.2.6) because the version on the squeeze-lts repository is even older
(5.0.2). I think the Ubuntu version of Bacula is the same as on Debian
Squeeze. Moreover, I think CentOS does not include Bacula in their
repositories (at least in the official repositories, according I was
watching). So maybe in this case the compilation is the only alternative.

Have you found any problem using some version of File Daemon for Windows
(especially in versions of Windows such as those mentioned above)?

Thanks again for your replies.

Best regards,

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