On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 12:06:42AM +0000, Lewis, Dave wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm configuring Bacula backups and sometimes it is very slow to back up to 
> disk or tape, around 1 MB/s and sometimes slower. I'm wondering why it is 
> sometimes so slow and if there is something I can do differently that will 
> speed up the backups. I want to do backups of about 1 TB (or more) of user 
> data, and 1 MB/s is far too slow. I also want to back up operating systems of 
> various Linux servers and imaging data (currently stored locally).
> As a test, I ran a Bacula backup of several operating system directories of 
> the backup computer, and it took about 6 hours. Here are details:
> The directories were /bin, /boot, /etc, /lib, /lib64, /opt, /root, /sbin, 
> /srv, /usr
> Level = Full
> Disk pool
> Computed SHA1 signature
> >From the log file:
> 02-Dec 20:16 jubjub-sd JobId 547: Job write elapsed time = 06:03:29, Transfer 
> rate = 216.4 K Bytes/second
> Elapsed time:           6 hours 13 mins 54 secs
> FD Files Written:       391,549
> SD Files Written:       391,549
> FD Bytes Written:       4,486,000,544 (4.486 GB)
> SD Bytes Written:       4,720,733,845 (4.720 GB)
> Rate:                   200.0 KB/s
> Software Compression:   None
> Encryption:             yes
> Accurate:               no

Hello Dave,

well, it depends. ;-) On a lot of things, actually. What DB backend
are you using? Is the db optimized for bacula usage? How fast are your
disks? Are you using attribute / job spooling? What's the hardware
spec of the director / sd machine? What's your connection / max
throughput to the clients?

All the best, Uwe


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