
I'm configuring Bacula backups and sometimes it is very slow to back up to disk 
or tape, around 1 MB/s and sometimes slower. I'm wondering why it is sometimes 
so slow and if there is something I can do differently that will speed up the 
backups. I want to do backups of about 1 TB (or more) of user data, and 1 MB/s 
is far too slow. I also want to back up operating systems of various Linux 
servers and imaging data (currently stored locally).

As a test, I ran a Bacula backup of several operating system directories of the 
backup computer, and it took about 6 hours. Here are details:
The directories were /bin, /boot, /etc, /lib, /lib64, /opt, /root, /sbin, /srv, 
Level = Full
Disk pool
Computed SHA1 signature
>From the log file:
02-Dec 20:16 jubjub-sd JobId 547: Job write elapsed time = 06:03:29, Transfer 
rate = 216.4 K Bytes/second
Elapsed time:           6 hours 13 mins 54 secs
FD Files Written:       391,549
SD Files Written:       391,549
FD Bytes Written:       4,486,000,544 (4.486 GB)
SD Bytes Written:       4,720,733,845 (4.720 GB)
Rate:                   200.0 KB/s
Software Compression:   None
Encryption:             yes
Accurate:               no

I repeated the backup with no encryption and then repeated it with no SHA1 
signature computing, but in each case the rate was still about 200 KB/s.

Previously I set up Bacula backups of large tarfiles of imaging data. It runs 
every night, and it takes a few minutes to back up 4 GB. Here are details of 
last night's backups, which are typical:
Level = Incremental
Tape pool (LTO6)
Computed SHA1 signature
>From the log file:
09-Dec 01:08 jubjub-sd JobId 570: Job write elapsed time = 00:01:29, Transfer 
rate = 45.95 M Bytes/second
Elapsed time:           3 mins 23 secs
FD Files Written:       71
SD Files Written:       71
FD Bytes Written:       4,089,746,704 (4.089 GB)
SD Bytes Written:       4,089,800,810 (4.089 GB)
Rate:                   20146.5 KB/s
Software Compression:   None
Encryption:             yes
Accurate:               no

These are all local backups, and the same MySQL database was used for all of 
these backups. For some reason the backups of operating system directories were 
100x slower than backups of imaging data.

Does anyone know what's causing the OS backups to be so slow and what I can do 
to speed them up?

OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Bacula 5.2.6
16 GB memory, dual quad core, 2.33 GHz


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