Some new tests : tape to file then file to tape

1 - Tape to file (the restore of files from this tape works correctly)

root@vms7:/media/tape-storage# sudo /usr/local/bacula/sbin/bcopy -dt -c 
/usr/local/allibtools/backup/tape/bacula-sd.conf -b 
/usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working/copie-bande.bsr -o tape-storage 
/dev/nst0 /media/tape-storage/
bcopy: butil.c:289-0 Using device: "/dev/nst0" for reading.
04-Aug 09:37 bcopy JobId 0: Ready to read from volume 
"Archive-Bacula-1489" on tape device "Copie.Bande.vms7" (/dev/nst0).
bcopy: butil.c:287-0 Using device: "/media/tape-storage/" for writing.
04-Aug 09:37 bcopy JobId 0: Labeled new Volume "tape-storage" on file 
device "tape-storage" (/media/tape-storage/).
04-Aug 09:37 bcopy JobId 0: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume 
"tape-storage" on file device "tape-storage" (/media/tape-storage/)
bcopy: bcopy.c:247-0 Volume label not copied.
bcopy: block.c:304-0 Incorrect EndBlock/EndFile oldEndBlock=-16386 
newEndBlock=48126 oldEndFile=0 newEndFile=1
bcopy: block.c:304-0 Incorrect EndBlock/EndFile oldEndBlock=-33003 
newEndBlock=31509 oldEndFile=1 newEndFile=2
bcopy: block.c:304-0 Incorrect EndBlock/EndFile oldEndBlock=-49475 
newEndBlock=15037 oldEndFile=2 newEndFile=3
bcopy: block.c:304-0 Incorrect EndBlock/EndFile oldEndBlock=-1463 
newEndBlock=63049 oldEndFile=3 newEndFile=4
bcopy: block.c:304-0 Incorrect EndBlock/EndFile oldEndBlock=-17915 
newEndBlock=46597 oldEndFile=4 newEndFile=5
bcopy: block.c:304-0 Incorrect EndBlock/EndFile oldEndBlock=-29117 
newEndBlock=35395 oldEndFile=91 newEndFile=92
bcopy: block.c:304-0 Incorrect EndBlock/EndFile oldEndBlock=-45962 
newEndBlock=18550 oldEndFile=92 newEndFile=93
bcopy: block.c:304-0 Incorrect EndBlock/EndFile oldEndBlock=-62758 
newEndBlock=1754 oldEndFile=93 newEndFile=94
04-Aug 12:01 bcopy JobId 0: End of Volume at file 465 on device 
"Copie.Bande.vms7" (/dev/nst0), Volume "Archive-Bacula-1489"
04-Aug 12:01 bcopy JobId 0: End of all volumes.
bcopy: bcopy.c:287-0 EOT label not copied.
bcopy: bcopy.c:211-0 83 Jobs copied. 26457714 records copied.

With /usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working/copie-bande.bsr:

2 - File to tape

root@vms7:/media/tape-storage# sudo /usr/local/bacula/sbin/bcopy -dt -c 
/usr/local/allibtools/backup/tape/bacula-sd.conf -b 
/usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working/copie-bande.bsr -o 
Archive-Bacula-1489 /media/tape-storage/ /dev/nst0
bcopy: butil.c:289-0 Using device: "/media/tape-storage/" for reading.
04-Aug 13:25 bcopy JobId 0: Ready to read from volume "tape-storage" on 
file device "tape-storage" (/media/tape-storage/).
bcopy: butil.c:287-0 Using device: "/dev/nst0" for writing.
04-Aug 13:25 bcopy JobId 0: Error: The Volume=Archive-Bacula-1489 on 
device="Copie.Bande.vms7" (/dev/nst0) appears to be unlabeled.
04-Aug 13:25 bcopy JobId 0: Labeled new Volume "Archive-Bacula-1489" on 
tape device "Copie.Bande.vms7" (/dev/nst0).
04-Aug 13:26 bcopy JobId 0: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume 
"Archive-Bacula-1489" on tape device "Copie.Bande.vms7" (/dev/nst0)
bcopy: bcopy.c:247-0 Volume label not copied.
04-Aug 16:03 bcopy JobId 0: End of Volume at file 94 on device 
"tape-storage" (/media/tape-storage/), Volume "tape-storage"
04-Aug 16:03 bcopy JobId 0: End of all volumes.
bcopy: bcopy.c:287-0 EOT label not copied.
bcopy: bcopy.c:211-0 83 Jobs copied. 26457714 records copied.

With /usr/local/bacula/var/bacula/working/copie-bande.bsr:

If I try to restore files from this new copy tape, I can't.

2015-08-04 16:3bacula-dir JobId 50604: Bacula bacula-dir 7.0.5 (28Jul14):
   Build OS:               x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu debian 8.1
   JobId:                  50604
   Job:                    Restore.2015-08-04_16.29.56_44
   Restore Client:         atlas
   Start time:             04-août-2015 16:29:58
   End time:               04-août-2015 16:32:11
   Files Expected:         5
   Files Restored:         0
   Bytes Restored:         0
   Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
   FD Errors:              0
   FD termination status:  OK
   SD termination status:  OK
   Termination:            Restore OK -- warning file count mismatch

- why do I get "Incorrect EndBlock/EndFile" in first step?
- why "File expected" != "File Restored"  when I try to restore from the 
second tape?
- why "Termination" status is "Restore OK" and not "Error"?




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