Hello Carlo,

On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 11:23 AM, Carlo Filippetto <
carlo.filippe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you.
> I will use the sd2sd solution.
> 2015-05-15 15:54 GMT+02:00 Davide Giunchi <davide.giun...@soasi.com>:
>> problem: you need a lot of bandiwidth ( = € )! then you must keep always
>> sync the servers, periodically check that everithing is working good, and
>> then periodically to dr tests.
>> benefit: fast dr
> I read about Virtual Full, I can use it to create a full on remote site
> instead off move the whole VM?

​Are you talking about Virtual Backup (Vbackup)? It is intended to
"consolidate" a full backup, the most recent differential and the following
incremental into one new full backup. This new full backup can be placed in
your site2. I´m not sure if this is what you´re wondering. If you want to
keep site2 with the same volume data as site1, you will need daily copy
jobs for this or some other kind of data replication.

The director master stay on site 1, the site 2 is offline since the firts
> goes down.
> The master on site 1 know the volumes on site 2 with SD to SD copy? (I
> think yes, it is an SD that he manage)

​Yes, if you use copy or migrate jobs. Are you also going to copy your
volumes data from site1 to site2?​

I´m not sure about your needs, but if you´re going to replicate your
volumes data from site1 to site2, I would prefer to replicate bacula´s
configuration files and a catalog backup from site1 to site2. And when you
need to use bacula on site2, you could just start it.

> Thank you

​You´re welcome.

Best regards,

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