On 02/26/2015 03:08 PM, Heitor Faria wrote:
>>>>> [...] I was auto-labeling the volumes for each job like:
>>>>> xxx-1.bac, xxx-2.bac, xxx-<n>.bac, etc where <n> starts at 1
>>>>> for each job. Is there some variable that has that behavior?
>>>>> [...]
>>> Hey Mr. McGraw: you should try LabelFormat =
>>> "xxx-${NumVols}.bac" What is xxx? If is the client name you can
>>> uses ${Client}. You could check all Bacula Variables via Google:
>>> http://www.bacula.org/5.2.x-manuals/en/misc/misc/Variable_Expansion.html
 >> Thanks for that suggestion.  I read the Variable Expansion
>> chapter many times but interpreted "current number of Volumes in
>> the Pool" as being a fixed number for a pool with a large number of
>> pre-labeled volumes.
>> I just tried using NumVols but the number it produced was 5177. I
>> guess was wrong about the pre-labeled part but it does seem to be
>> total number of volumes in the pool and not a number for the
>> volumes used in the current job so far which is what I need.
> 1. Sorry for misunderstanding it. I really don't see the need of
> associating volumes names with their jobs and it can be very messy
> when they are recycled,  since a Job can take a variable amount of
> volumes and Bacula already provide that association (e.g: list
> jobmedia, restore job..., etc.).

I agree it is messy (I would say unworkable) when recycling is
used but I don't do recycling.

I backup to smaller-than-DVD sized disk volumes and write those
to DVD.  In such an environment, volume recycling is pointless.

All post-bacula handling (write to DVD, off-siting, moving
storage locations around to fit varying storage needs/capacities,
etc) are done by hand or with the help of scripts since Bacula
provides no support for DVD as a storage medium.  I find it
easier to manage those tasks when I can look at filename and
be able to determine information about what is in the volume
than to have to go though a level of indirection for that information,
either by asking Bacula or querying the catalog database directly.
And of course the current labeling scheme is baked into the
scripts that I have to help with the post-bacula volume management.

I've been using the current labeling scheme successfully for
5 years, including disaster recovery simulation so I don't see
a strong reason to change now unless I have to.

> 2. Anyway I'm on a deadlock here: if you submit all jobs for a same
> pool you can't guarantee the job will occupy only the volumes with
> respective name on it, and a more secure way would be have them in
> different pools, where ${NumVols} would work if you are recycling
> them.

Yes, I have a separate pool for each client machine.

> 3. You could use variables like ${JobId} plus time (Month, Day, Hour,
> Minute, Second) in order to create unique volume names in a
> chronological order, similar to what you want, providing that you are
> always are creating new volumes for each job.

Yes, that was my fallback plan if I couldn't get a volume number.
My 2nd level fallback was to give up and just use VOL0001, VOL0002,
etc and live with the inconvenience of having the post-bacula
tools query the catalog database for info rather than getting
it from the filenames.

> However the volume
> contains important statistic data like error / mount times, and you
> would be giving up on that if always creating new ones instead of
> recycling them.

Important statistics for tape volumes, meaningless for disk

For now, using per-pool counters and restarting the director
each night right before the backups start seems to be a usable
if un-aesthetic work-around.  I will think about your comments
and ponder if it might be worthwhile to rethink the way I am
doing backups.  Thanks.

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