> >>> [...]
> >>> I was auto-labeling the volumes for each job like: xxx-1.bac,
> >>> xxx-2.bac, xxx-<n>.bac, etc where <n> starts at 1 for each job.
> >>> Is there some variable that has that behavior?
> >>> [...]
> >
> > Hey Mr. McGraw: you should try LabelFormat = "xxx-${NumVols}.bac"
> > What is xxx? If is the client name you can uses ${Client}.
> > You could check all Bacula Variables via Google:
> > http://www.bacula.org/5.2.x-manuals/en/misc/misc/Variable_Expansion.html
> Thanks for that suggestion.  I read the Variable Expansion
> chapter many times but interpreted "current number of Volumes
> in the Pool" as being a fixed number for a pool with a large
> number of pre-labeled volumes.
> I just tried using NumVols but the number it produced was 5177.
> I guess was wrong about the pre-labeled part but it does seem
> to be total number of volumes in the pool and not a number for
> the volumes used in the current job so far which is what I
> need.

1. Sorry for misunderstanding it. I really don't see the need of associating 
volumes names with their jobs and it can be very messy when they are recycled,  
since a Job can take a variable amount of volumes and Bacula already provide 
that association (e.g: list jobmedia, restore job..., etc.).
2. Anyway I'm on a deadlock here: if you submit all jobs for a same pool you 
can't guarantee the job will occupy only the volumes with respective name on 
it, and a more secure way would be have them in different pools, where 
${NumVols} would work if you are recycling them.
3. You could use variables like ${JobId} plus time (Month, Day, Hour, Minute, 
Second) in order to create unique volume names in a chronological order, 
similar to what you want, providing that you are always are creating new 
volumes for each job. However the volume contains important statistic data like 
error / mount times, and you would be giving up on that if always creating new 
ones instead of recycling them.

Heitor Medrado de Faria - LPIC-III | ITIL-F 
02 a 13 de Março - Novo Treinamento Telepresencial Bacula: 
61 8268-4220 
Site: www.bacula.com.br | Facebook: heitor.faria | Gtalk: heitorfa...@gmail.com 

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