Yea, it appears to be the mtx script, as the behavior follows that. root@ops-prd-backup01:/home/jkelley# mtx -f /dev/sg13 load 40 2
Loading media from Storage Element 40 into drie 2...done root@ops-prd-backup01:/home/jkelley# /etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer /dev/sg13 listall | head -10 D:0:F:30:AAAC276882 D:1:F:31:AAAB1763B2 D:2:F:40:AAADBC6919 D:3:E D:4:E D:5:E D:6:E D:7:E D:8:E D:9:E root@ops-prd-backup01:/home/jkelley# mtx -f /dev/sg13 load 7 3 Loading media from Storage Element 7 into drive 3...done root@ops-prd-backup01:/home/jkelley# /etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer /dev/sg13 listall | head -10 D:0:F:7:AAAC276882 D:1:F:30:AAAB1763B2 D:2:F:31:AAADBC6919 D:3:F:40:AAAC2D6888 D:4:E D:5:E D:6:E D:7:E D:8:E D:9:E I am looking for the solution to this. Currently running Ubuntu 14.4 and bacula version 7.0.5 Thanks Jared On 2/22/15, 1:05 PM, "Clark, Patricia A." <> wrote: >Odd. The volumes are in the correct drves, but their origination slots >changed. So, when they unload, they are put into the incorrect location. > >One quick way to check whether it is the mtx-changer script is to exercise >the OS mtx command and see if it produces the same output. > >Patti Clark >Linux System Administrator >R&D Systems Support Oak Ridge National Laboratory > > >On 2/21/15, 2:42 PM, "Kelley, Jared" <> wrote: > >>mtx-changer has a bug in the script or the interface wit the Amazon AWS >>storage gateway is the issue. >> >>Confirmed this by running mtx-changer manually from command line, twice. >>First time loading slot 30 into drive 0 and second time loading slot 20 >>into drive 1. >>After first load, 30 is in drive 0. After the second load command was >>run, lot 20 was loaded into drive 0 and 30 moved to drive 1. However, >>the volumes are stying sticky to the >>drive they are loaded in as you can see below. So the slots are getting >>ordered numerically but the volumes stay put. >> >>root@ops-prd-backup01:/etc/bacula/scripts# ./mtx-changer /dev/sg13 load >>30 >>/dev/tape/by-path/ip-\\:sgw-2 >>0 >>b >>85d49-tapedrive-01-lun-0-nst 0 >>Loading media from Storage Element 30 into drie 0...done >> >>root@ops-prd-backup01:/etc/bacula/working# >>/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer >>/dev/sg13 listall | head -10 >>D:0:F:30:AAAC246881 >>D:1:E >>D:2:E >>D:3:E >>D:4:E >>D:5:E >>D:6:E >>D:7:E >>D:8:E >>D:9:E >> >> >> >> >>root@ops-prd-backup01:/etc/bacula/scripts# ./mtx-changer /dv/sg13 load >>20 >>/dev/tape/by-path/ip-\\:sgw-2 >>0 >>b >>85d49-tapedrive-0-lun0-nst 1 >>Loading media from Storage Element 20 into drive 1...done >> >>root@ops-prd-backup01:/etc/bacula/working# >>/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer >>/dev/sg13 listall | head -10 >>D:0:F:20:AAAC246881 >>D:1:F:30:AAAC276882 >>D:2:E >>D:3:E >>D:4:E >>D:5:E >>D:6:E >>D:7:E >>D:8:E >>D:9:E >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>On 2/18/15, 10:28 AM, "Kelley, Jared" <> wrote: >> >>>Patricia, >>>I am ensuing device itegrity by using the /dev/tape/by-path/* in my >>>configs for each device. >>> >>>I have mounted the tapes as you suggested with perfect sync prior to >>>mounting using bconsole. >>>After the mount there are tapes out of synccomparing mtx and >>>mtx-changer >>>command vs the mysql select query. >>>See mount commands below. >>> >>>*mount >>>Automatically selected Storage: Autochanger >>>Enter autochanger drive[0]: 0 >>>Enter autochanger slot 18 >>>3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slt 41, drive 0" command. >>>3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 18, drive 0 command. >>>3305 Autochanger "load slot 18, drive 0", status is OK. >>>3001 Mounted Volume: AAAACD5F68 >>>3001 Device ""Drive0" >>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>0 >>>b >>>8 >>>5d49-taperive-01-lun-0-nst)" is already mounted with Volume "AAAACDF68" >>> >>>*mount >>>Automatically selected Storage: Autochanger >>>Enter autochanger drive[0]: 1 >>>nter autochanger slot 1 >>>3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 1, drive 1" command. >>>3305 Autochanger "load slot 1, drive 1", status is OK. >>>3001 Mounted Volume: AAAB0E63AB >>>3001 Device ""Drive1" >>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>b >>>8 >>>5d49-tapedrive-0-lun-0-nst)" i mounted with Volume "AAAB0E63AB" >>> >>>*mount >>>Autoatically selected Storage: Autochanger >>>Enter autochanger drive[0] 2 >>>Enter autochanger slot: 22 >>>3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 22, drive 2" command. >>>3305 Autochanger "load slot 22, drive 2", status is OK. >>>3001 Mounted Volume: AAAC2D6888 >>>3001 Device ""Drive2" >>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>b >>>8 >>>5d49-tapedrive-03-lun-0-nst)" i mounted with Volume "AAAC2D6888" >>> >>>*mount >>>Automatically selected Storage: Autochanger >>>Enter autochanger drive[0]: 3 >>>Enter autochnger slot: 26 >>>3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 26, drive 3" command.3305 >>>Autochanger >>>"load slot 26, drive 3", status is OK. >>>3001 Mounted Volume: AAAB3B609E >>>001 Device ""Drive3" >>>(dev/tape/by-path/ >>>8 >>>5d49-tapedrive-04-lun-0-nst)" is mounted with Volume "AAAB3B609E" >>> >>>*mount >>>Automatically selectedStorage: Autochanger >>>Enter autochanger drive[0]: 4 >>>Enter autochanger slot: 9 >>>3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 19, drive 4" command. >>>3305 Autochange "load slot 19, drive 4", status is OK. >>>3001 Mounted olume: AAAC216884 >>>3001 Device ""Drive4" >>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>b >>>8 >>>5d49-tapedrive-05-lu-0-nst)" is monted with Volume "AAAC216884" >>> >>>*mount >>>Automatically selected Storage: Autocanger >>>Enter autochanger drive[0]: 5 >>>Enter atochanger slot: 7 >>>3304Issuing autochanger "load slot 7, drive 5" command. >>>3305 Autochanger "lad slot 7 drive 5", status is OK. >>>3001 Mounted Volume: AAADB06915 >>>3001 Dvice ""Drive5" >>>(dev/tape/by-path/ip- >>8 >>>5d49-tapedrive-06-lun-0-nst)" is alrady mounted wit Volume "AAADB06915" >>> >>> >>>mysql query shows what exactly what the mount commad was told to do. >>> >>> >>>mysql> Select VolumeName,Slot from bacula.Media wher slot like 1 or slot >>>like 7 r slot like 18 or slot like 19 or slot like 2 or slot like 26 >>>order by slot; >>>+------------+------+ >>>| VolumeName | Slot |+------------+------+ >>>| AAAB0E63AB | 1 | (drive 1) >>>| AAADB06915 | 7 | drive 5) >>>| AAAACDF68 | 18 | (drive 0) >>>| AAAC216884 | 19 | (drive 4) >>>| AAAC2D6888 | 2 | (drive 2) >>>| AAAB3B609E | 26 | (drive 3) >>>+------------+------+ >>> >>> >>>Hwever, I now see what is happening. Based on what mtx-changer showsthe >>>slots are getting reordered numerically from lowest to highest, >>>1,,8,19,22,26 >>>but the volumes are stayng with the drive they were mounted in. So i >>>would seem at this point that bacula i doing what it should be and the >>>slots are getting re-ordered in the process when a new slot is mounted. >>>It is always inserted numerically in order. >>> >>> >>>/etc/bacula/scripts/tx-changer /dev/sg13 listall | head -10 >>> >>>D:0:F:1:AAAACD5F68 >>>D:1:F:7:AAAB0E63AB >>>D:2:F:18:AAAC2D6888 >>>D:3:F:19:AAAB3B609E >>>D:4:F:2:AAAC216884 >>>D:5:F:26:AAAD06915 >>> >>>>>>/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer /dev/sg13 list | had -10 >>> >>> >>>1:AAAACD5F68 >>>7:AAAB0E63AB >>>18:AAAC2D6888 >>>19:AAAB3B609E >>>22:AAAC216884 >>>26:AAADB06915 >>> >>> >>>Now when I mount slot 3 in drive 6. Slot 3 will be put into drive 1, >>moving all the rest of them up one drive. >>> >>> >>>*mount >>>Automaticaly selected Storage: Autochanger >>>6 >>>Enter autocanger slot: 3 >>>3304Issuing autochange "load slot 3, drive 6" command. >>>3305 Autochanger "load slot 3, drive 6", status is OK. >>>3001 Mounted Volume: AAAACE5F6B >>>3001 Device ""Drive6" >>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>0 >>>b >>>8 >>>5d49-tapedrive-07-lun-0-nst)" is mounted with Volume "AAAACE5F6B" >>> >>> >>>/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer /dev/sg13 listall | head 10 >>> >>>D:0:F:1:AAAACD5F68 >>>D:1:F3:AAAB0E63AB >>>D:2:F:7:AAAC2D6888 >>>D:3:F:18:AAAB3B609E >>>D:4:F:19:AAAC216884 >>>D:5:F:22:AAADB06915 >>>D6:F:26:AAAACE5F6B - most recent mount, volume stays sticky but slot is >>>oved to drive one to keep the slots in numerical order, i.e. 3 falls >>>between 1 and 7 s that’s where slot 3 gets set. >>> >>>mtx status shows the same as mtx-changer >>>>root@ops-prd-backup01:/home/jkelley# mtx -f /dev/sg13 status |head -11 >>> Storage Changer /dev/sg13:10 Drives, 3200 Slots ( 100 Import/Export ) >>>Data Transfer Element 0:Full (Storage Element 1 Loade):VolumeTag = >>>AAAACD5F68 >>>Data Transfer Element 1:Full(Storae Element3 Loaded):VolumeTag = >>>AAAB0E63AB >>>Data Transfer Element 2:Full (Stoage Element 7 Loaded):VolumeTag = >>>AAAC2D6888 >>>Data ransfer Element 3:Full (Storage Element 18 Loaded):VolumTag = >>>AAAB3B609E >Data Transfer Element 4:Full (Storage Elemen 19 >>>Loaded):VolumeTag = >>>AAC216884 >>>ata Transfr Element 5:Full (Storage Element 22 Loaded):olumeTag = >>>AAADB06915 >>>Data Transfer Element 6:Full (Storage Elment 26 Loaded):VolumeTag = >>>AAAACE5F6B >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>So, this appear o be a bug with the mtx-changer script. >>>I haven’t poured through the scrip yet o determine exactly why it is >>moving the slots around to satisy numerical order. >>>If there are any updates o someone knows a quick fix itwould be much >>>appreciated. >>> >>>That’s all I have on this issue at the momnt. >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>On 2/16/15, 7:37 AM, "Clark, Patricia A." <clar...@ornl.ov> wrote: >>> >>>>How are you ensuring that your devices retain persistent aming? >>>> >>>>Please check the following once bacula and mtx changer list agree on >>>>tape >>>>location: >>>> >>>>Whil no jobs are running and using bconsole, mount one tape to each of >>>>your ape drives until all of yor drives are completely loaded. Verify >>>>that te tapes in the drives are as expected in bconsole. >>>>Example from mybconsole: >>>> >>>>Used Volume status: >>>> >>>>Reserved volume: 077099L5 on ae device "LTO5-6" (/dev/tape-admin6) >>>> >>>> Reader=0 writers=0 reserves=1 volinuse=1 >>>> >>>>Reserved volume: 156751L5 on tape devie "LTO5-3" (/dev/tape-admin3) >>>> >>>> Reader=0 writers=1 reserves=0 volinuse=1 >>>> >>>>Reservedvolume: 156759L5 on tape device "LTO5-2" (/dev/tape-admin2) >>>> >>>> Reader=0 writers=1 rserves=0 volinuse=1 >>>> >>>>Using the OS mtx command status, do the tapes and drives match up with >>>>bconsole's output? >>>>Example from my mtx output: >>>> >>>># mtx -f /dev/hanger-admin status >>>> >>>> Storage Changer /dev/chnger-admin:7 Drives, 320 Slots ( 10 >>>>Import/Export ) >>>> >>>>Data Transfer Element 0:Empty >>>> >>>>Data Transfer Elment 1:Empty >>>> >>>>Data Transfer Elemnt 2:Full (Storage Element 220 Loded):VolumeTag = >>>>156759L5 >>>> >>>>Data Transfer Element 3:Full (Strage Element 212 Loaded):VolumeTag = >>>>156751L5>>> >>>>Data Transfer Element 4:Empty >>>> >>>>Data Transfer Element 5:Empty >>>> >>>>Data Transfer Element 6:Full (Storage Element 180 Loaded):VolumeTag = >>>>077099L5 >>>> >>>><clipped> >>>> >>>>As you can see, my outpu aligns with on both sides. Please let us know >>>>what your results are. >>>> >>>>Patti Clark >>>>Linux System Administrator >>>>R&D Systems Support Oak Ridge National Laboratory >>>> >>>>From: <Kelley>, Jared <<>> >>>>Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 6:27 PM >>>>To: "Kelley, Jared" <<>>, >>>>Süleyman Kuran <skuran@ayk.govtr<>>, "\"Ana >>>>Emília M. Arruda\"" >>>><<>> >>>>Cc: >>>>"<mailto:Bacla-users@lists.sourceforg >>>>e >>>>. >>>>net>" >>>><<mailto:bcula-users@lists.sourcefor >>>>g >>>>e >>>. >>>>net>> >>>>Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] bacla can't make use of multi dives >>>> >>>>bumping this thread because I have another issue I am unable o resolv. >>>>I am running: >>>>bacula 7.0.5 compiled from source >>>> 3 pools. >>>>Multiple obs per pool. >>>>10 tape drives >>>>1 autochanger for thos 10drives. >>>>1600 slots >>>> >>>>running concurrent jobs works. >>>>I have 41 volumes(taps) in the virtual changer with 10 drives. >>>>Bacula is getting confused ery quickly on which volume is in whic >>>>slot>>when comparing whats in thebacula database, >>>>as shown by select query, compared to the output of mx-chaner —list >>>>all >>>>command. See below. >>>>So as these volumes get moe and more out of sync my jobs get hung with >>>>waiting to mount volumewhich cascades to exceeding max jobs >>>>as the running jobs start to queue. Im wondering if this is a bug due >>>>to the number of slots. >>>>The fix isto rlease all 10 drives, run update slots. But I am having >>>>to do this daily nw. Unacceptable. >>>>When I was setting this up I started ith only 10 vitual tapes or >>>>volumes and things ran smoothly. >>>>Now I have added a 31 more tpes to prevent jobs from failing, if all >>>>the tapes in a pool become full, and the problem has been exacerbatd by >>>>the increasing the number volumes. >>>>It seems bacula is unable to andle this many slots and as it moves a >>>>volume bck to te slot from whece it came to pull another for a >>>>different job >>>>and it puts the tape(vlume) back into a different slot but gets >>>>confused >>>>and Slot in thedatabase is now wrong for this particular volume. >>>>Does anyone have any experience with this? And is there a possible >>>>configuratio fix? >>>>My max concurrent jobs is 20 fo SD and max concurrent jobs per >>>>tapedrive >>>> is 1. This to eep jbs from interleaving data when they are writing >>>>concurrently. >>>>I will be happy to submit configuration file if that is helpful. >>>>Thanks >>>> >>>>Volumes in red are the volumes bacula is now out of sync with. Every >>>>one >>>>of these volumes is currently in a tape-drive. I have edited the >>>>output >>>>elow for simplicity in comparing mtx-chnger command vs mysql select >>>>query. >>>> >>>> >>>>Select VolumeNae,Slot from Media order by slot; slot ot put >>>>from mtx canger --list all >>>>AAAC236886 1 AAAC236886 >>>>AAAACC5F69 2 AAAACC5F69 >>>>AAAACE5F6B 3 AAAACE5F6B >>>>AAAAD55F70 4 AAAAD55F70 >>>>AAAB1763B2 5 AAAB1763B2 >>>>AAAACA5F6F 6 AAAACA5F6F >>>>AAAACD5F68 7 AAAACD5F68 >>>>AAAB0B63AE 8 AAAB0B63AE >>>>AAAB1463B1 9 AAAB163B1 >>>>AAAACF5F6A 10 AAAACF5F6A >>>>AAAAC95F6C 11 AAAAC95F6C >>>>AAAB0963AC 12 AAAB0963AC >>>>AAAAC85F6D 13 AAAAC85F6D >>>>AAAAD45F71 14 AAAAD45F1 >>>>AAAC2D6888 15 AAAC226887 >>>>AAACDA687F 16 AAAC26884 >>>>AAAB0863AD 17 AAAB0863AD >>>>AAAC256880 18 AAAC256880 >>>>AAAB0F63A 19 AAAB0F63AA >>>>AAAC226887 20 AAADBB691E >>>>AAAC206885 21 AAAC206885 >>>>AAAB1563B0 22 AAB1563B0 >>>>AAAB1663B3 23 AAAB1663B3 >>>>AAAB3B609E 24 AAACA687F >>>>AAAB0E63AB 25 AAAB0E63AB >>>>AAADB06915 26 AADB06915 >>>>AAAB0A63AF 27 AAAB0A63AF >>>>AAAC216884 28 AAAB3B60E >>>>AAAACB5F6E 29 AAAACB5F6E >>>>AAAC246881 30 AAAC246881 >>>>AAAC276882 31 AAAC276882 >>>>AAAC266883 32 AAA2D6888 >>>>AAADB9691C 33 AAADB9691C >>>>AAADBD6918 34 AAADBD6918 >>>AAADB8691D 35 AAADB8691D >>>AAADB36916 36 AAADB36916>>>>AAADBE691B 37 >>>AAADBE691B>AAADBB691E 38 AAAC266883 >>>>AADBF691A 39 AAABF691A >>>>AAADBC6919 40 AAADBC6919 >>>AAADB26917 41 AAAB26917 >>> >>>>From: <Kelley>, "Kelley, Jard" >>>><<>> >>>>Date: Wednesday, Deceber17, 2014 at 12:36 PM >>>>To: üleyman Kuran <<>>, "\"Ana >>>>Emíia M. Arruda\"" >>>><<>> >>>>Cc: >>>>"<mailo:Bacul-users@lists.sourceforg >>>>e >>>>. >>>>net>" >>>><bacula-users@lists.soceforgenet<mailto:bacula-users@lists.sourceforge >>>>. >>>>net>> >>>>Subject: Re: [acula-users] bacula can't make use of multi drives >>>> >>>>OK, I was ablet get this working. >>>>One of the majorfactors was upgrading my vrsion of bacula from 5.2.6 >>>>to >>>>7.0.5. >>>>It apears there is a bug in 5.26 in which bacula gets confused with >>>>regards to which ape(volume) is in wich drive and/or slot. >>>>with 5.2.6, with my config file working, after backups ran for a few >>>>days the slots no longer matche inbacula with what tx-changer listall >>>>told me from command line and I was getting lots of erors and backups >>>>hanging. >>>> >>>>After ugrading to 7.0.5 I no longer had ths problem and my backups are >>>>running smoothly on 10 different drives using3 different pools. >>>>All is good for me here using multi drive configuration. >>>> >>>>Thanks to Ana for extensive help to get this working. >>>> >>>> >>>>Jared> >>>> >>>>From: Sleyman Kuran <<>> >>>>Date:Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at 11:15 PM >>>>To: "\"Ana Emília M. Arruda"" >>>><<>> >>>>Cc: >>>>"<mailto:Bacula-users@lists.sourceforg >>>>e >>>>. >>>>net>" >>>><<mailto:bacula-users@lists.sourcefor >>>>g >>>>e >>>>. >>>>net>> >>>>Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] bacula can't make use of multi drives >>>> >>>>Thank for your reply. >>>> >>>>My autochanger device definition in bacula-sd.conf is as follows. I >>>>removed unrelated changer commands in Drive resource directives as you >>>>suggested, maybe those direcives mess up bacula, I will see what >>>>happens. >>>> >>>>Autochanger { >>>> Name = AYKAutochanger >>>> Device = Drive-1 >>>> Device Drive-2 >>>> Device = Drive-3 >>> Device = Drive-4 >>>> Changer Command = "/usr/libexc/bacula/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d" >>>> Changer Devic = /dev/sg9 >>>>} >>>>>Best regards, >>>> >>>> >>>>On 25-11-2014 18:25, Ana Emília M. Arruda wrote: >>>>Hello, >>>> >>>>Do you have an autochanger device definition in your bacula-sd.conf? >>>> >>>>Autochanger { >>>>Name = "AYKAutochanger" >>>>Device = Drive-1, Drie-2, Drive-3, Drive-4 >>>>Changer Device = /dev/sg9 >>>Changer Command = "/usr/lbexec/bacula/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d" >>>>} >>>> >>>>In your Drives definitions, you don´t need tohave Changer Device nor >>>>Changer Command defined. The bellow lines should be emoved from your >>>>drives definitions: >>>> >>>> Changer Command = "/usr/lieec/bacula/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d" >>>># Changer Device = /dev/hanger >>>> Changer Device = /dev/sg9 >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>>Best regard, >>>>Ana >>>> >>>>On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 5:46 AM, Süleyman Kuran >>>><skuran@ayk.govtr<>> wrote: >>>>I still can't find the final ke to my puzzle :) >>>> >>>>Jobs (from the same pool) are stll aiting the firt drive to finish. I >>>>followed Ana's advise and set ax Concurrent Jobs = 1 in the Device >>>>dirctive in bacula-sd.con nd other configs in bacula-dir.conf The >>>>following are related prts o config files. Please advice. >>>> >>>>Best regards, >>>> >>>>bacula-sd.conf >>>================================================ >>>>... >>>>Storage { # definition of myself >>>> Name = bacula-s >>>> SDPort 9103 # Director's port >>>> WorkingDirectory = "/var/spool/bacula" >>>> Pid Directory = "/var/run" >>>> Maxium Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>>} >>>>Device { >>>> Name = Drive-1 >>>> Drive Index =0 >>>> Media Type = LTO-5 >>>> Archive Device = /dev/nst0 >>>> AutomaticMount = yes >>>> AwaysOpen = yes >>>> RemovabeMedia = yes >>>> Random Acess = no >>>> Maximum File Size = 10GB >>>> Changer Comand = "/usr/ibexec/bacula/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d" >>>># Chnger Device = /dev/chaner >>>> Changer Device = /dev/sg9 >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>>## # Enable th Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded >>>> Alert Command = "h -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|ca'" >>>>### If you have smartctl, enable this, t has more info than tapeinfo >>>> #Alert Command = "sh -c 'smarttl -H -l rror %c'" >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1 >>>>} >>>>Device { >>>> Name = Drive- >>>> Drive Index = 1 >>>> Media Type = LTO-5 >>>> Archive Device = /dev/nst1 >>>> AutomaticMount = yes >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes >>>> RemovableMedia = yes >>>> Random Access = no >>>> Maximum File Size = 10GB >>>> Changer Command "/usr/ibexec/bacula/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d" >>>># Changer Device = /dev/changer >>>> Changer Device = /dev/sg9 >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAler|cat'" >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1 >>>>} >>>>Device { >>>> Name= Drive-3 >>>> Drive Index = 2 >>> Media Type = LTO-5 >>>> Archive Device = /dev/nst2 >>>> AutomaticMount = yes >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes >>>> RemovableMedia = yes >>>> Random Access = no >>>> Maximum File Size = 10GB >>>> Changer Command = "/usr/libexec/bacula/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d" >>>># Changer Device = /dev/changer >>>> Changer Device = /dev/sg9 >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> Alert Command= "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1 >>>>} >>>>Device { >>>> Name Dive-4 >>>> Drive Index = 3 >>>> Media Type = LTO-5 >>> Archive Device = /dev/nst3 >>>> AutomaticMount = yes >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes >>>> RemvableMedia = yes >>>> Random Access = no >>>> Maximum File Size = 10GB >>>> Changer Command = "/usr/libexec/bacula/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d" >>>># Changer Device = /devchanger >>>> Changer Device = /dev/sg9 >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'">> >>>>Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1 >>>>} >>>>... >>>>================================================================= >>>>bacula-dir.conf >>>>... >>>>Storage { >>>> Name = "Fujitsu ETRNUS LT60" >>>> Address = fqdn.bacula.tld # N.B. Use a fully qualified >>>name here >>>> SDPort = 9103 >>>> Password = "mypass" # passwor for Storage daemon >>>> Device = AYKAutochanger >>>> Media Type = TO-5 # must be same as MediaType in >>>>Storage daemon >>>> Autochanger = yes # enable for autochanger device >>>> Maimum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>>} >>>>Director { define myself >>>> Name = bacula-dir >>>> DIRport = 9101 # here we listen for UA connections >>>> #QueryFile = "/usr/libexec/baula/query.sql" >>>> QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/query.sql">> Workingirectory = >>>>"/var/spool/bacula" >>>> PidDirectory = "/va/run" >>>> Maxium Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> Password = "mypasswd" # Console pasword >>>> Messages = Daemon >>>>} >>>>Client { >>>> Name = bacul-fd >>>> Address =localhost >>>> FDPort = 9102 >>>> Catalog = MyCatalog >>>> Pasword = "mypaswd" # password for FileDaemon >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>On 21-11-2014 01:27, Keley, Jared wrote: >>>>Yep that was the final key to the puzzle. SUCCESS!! >>>Thak you so much for your help with this. >>>>I’m running test jobs now with the new etting and I’m 4 jobs from same >>>>pool are writing to >>>>4 differen drives and volumes concurrently. >>>>Agin, your help is much apprecated. >>>> >>>>Thank you >>>> >>>>Jared >>> >>>>From: "Ana Emília M. Arruda" >>><<>> >>>>Date: Thursday November 20, 2014 at 1:39 PM >>>>To: "Kelley, Jared" <<>> >>>>Cc: bacula-users >>>><<mailtobacula-users@lists.sourceforg >>>>e >>>>. >>>>net>> >>>>Subject: Re: [Bacula-usrs] bacula can't make use of multi drives >>>> >>>>Hi Jared, >>>> >>>>Try settig >>>> >>>>Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1 >>>>in each devce definition. This will spread your 4 jobs in 4 drives of >>>>your autochanger device. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>>> Name = Drive0 >>>> >>>> Drive Index = 0 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LO >>>> >>>> Archive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>v >>>>e >>>>-01-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AutomaticMount = yes; # when device pened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMeda = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>>Best regards, >>>>Ana >>>> >>>> >>>>On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 6:33 PM, Kelley, Jared >>>><<>> wrote: >>>>Ok, I’ve done some reconfguring. Will paste my new configuration >>>>files >>>below as well as bconsole output from show pools, list volumes, status >>>>storage andquerying volumes per job. I am running 4 concurrent jobs to >>>>the samepool and the writes are still interleaving data to the same >>>>volume. >>>>I stopped and started bacula-sd, dir and fd, ran update slots scan >>>>before kicking off these jobs. Status storage shows the new device >>>>names >>>>n things are working, aside from the single tape being written to by >>>>al 4 jobs. >>>> >>>>Still not sure where I’m going wrong with bacula and writing to >>>>multiple >>>>volumes at the same time from the same pool. Currently the only way >>>>I’ve >>>>achieved tis with mixed results, i.e. success and failures, is with >>>>‘prefer mounted volmes = no. >>>>:\ >>>> >>>>############# BEGIN BACULA-SD.CONF ########### >>>> >>>> >>>>SEA-12176-MAC:backup02_bacula jkelley$ cat bacula-sd.conf>>> >>>># >>>> >>>># Default Bacula Storage Demon Configuration file >>>>>>># >>>> >>>># For Bacula release 3.0.1 (30 April 209) -- debian 5.0.1 >>>> >>>># >>> >>>># You may need to change the ame of your tape drive >>>> >>>># on te "Archive Device" directive in th Device >>>> >>>># resource. If you change the Name and/or the >>>> >>># "Media Type" inthe Device resource, please ensure >>>> >>>># that dird.con has coresponding changes. >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>> >>>>Storage { # definition of myself >>>> >>>> Name = backup02-sd >>>> >>>> SDPort = 103 # Director's port >>> >>>> WorkingDirectory = "/etc/bacul/working" >>>> >>>> Pid Directory = "var/run/bacula" >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>># List Directors who are permitted to contact Storage daemon >>> >>>># >>>> >>>>Director { >>>> >>>> Name = ackup02-dir >>>> >>>> Password = assword >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>## Restricted Dirctor, used by tray-onitor to get the >>>> >>>># status of the storage daemon >>>> >>>>## >>> >>>>Director { >>> >>>> Name = backup02-mon >>>> >>>> Password = password >>> >>>> Monitor = yes >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>># Devices supported by this Storage daemon >>> >>>># To connect, the Director's bacula-dir.conf must have the >>>> >>># same Name and MediaType. >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>> >>>>Autochanger { >>>> >>>> Nae = Autochanger >>>> >>>> Device = Drive0, Drive1, Drive2, Drive3, Drive4, Drive5, Drive6, >>>>Drive7, Drive8, Drive9 >>>> >>>> Changer Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d" >>>> >>>> Changer Device = /dev/sg12 >>>> >>>>} >>> >>>> >>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>>> Name = Drive0 >>>> >>>> Drive Index = 0 >>>> >>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Archive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>i >>>>v >>>>e >>>>-01-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AutoaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMedia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>>> Name Drive1 >>>> >>>> Drie Index = 1 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Arcive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>i >>>>v >>>>e >>>>-02-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMedia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Alert command only if yu have the mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo-f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>>> Name = Drive2 >>>> >>>> Drive Index 2 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> ArchiveDevice = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>i >>>>v >>>> >>>>-03-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AutomaticMount = yes; # when dvice opened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMdia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mt package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bcula/spool >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Devce { >>>> >>>> Name = Drive3 >>>> >>>> Drive Index = 3 >>>> >>>> Media ype = LTO >>>> >>>> Archive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>v >>>>e >>>>-04-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> utomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMedia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enabl the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>>> >>>> Maximu Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>> Name = Drive4 >>>> >>>> Drive Index = 4 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Archive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>i >>>>v >>>>e >>>>-05-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMedia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = o; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Alert command only if you have te mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep Tapelert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>>> Name = Drive5 >>>> >>>> Drive Index = 5 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Archive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>i >>>>v >>>>e >>>>-06-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMedia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Aler command only if you have the mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapenfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>>> Name = Drive6 >>>> >>>> Drive Index = 6 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Archive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>i >>>>v >>>>e >>>>-07-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMedia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tpeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>>> Name = Drive7 >>>> >>>> Drive Index = 7 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Archive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>i >>>>v >>>>e >>>>-08-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMedia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>>> Name = Drive8 >>>> >>>> Drive Index = 8 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Archive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>i >>>>v >>>>e >>>>-09-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMedia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>>> Name = Drive9 >>>> >>>> Drive Index = 9 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Archive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>i >>>>v >>>>e >>>>-10-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMedia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>># Send all messages except skipped files back to Director >>>> >>>>Messages { >>>> >>>> Name = Standard >>>> >>>> director = backup02-dir = all, !skipped, !restored >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>####### END SD.CONF ##### >>>> >>>> >>>>###### BEGIN DIR.CONF #### >>>> >>>> >>>># Default Bacula Director Configuration file >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>># The only thing that MUST be changed is to add one or more >>>> >>>># file or directory names in the Include directive of the >>>> >>>># FileSet resource. >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>># For Bacula release 3.0.1 (30 April 2009) -- debian 5.0.1 >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>># You might also want to change the default email address >>>> >>>># from root to your address. See the "mail" and "operator" >>>> >>>># directives in the Messages resource. >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>>### Source other config files >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>> >>>>@/etc/bacula/clients.conf >>>> >>>>@/etc/bacula/jobs.conf >>>> >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>>### Basic director configuration >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>> >>>>Director { # define myself >>>> >>>> Name = backup-dir >>>> >>>> DIRport = 9101 # where we listen for UA connections >>>> >>>> QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/query.sql" >>>> >>>> WorkingDirectory = "/etc/bacula/working" >>>> >>>> PidDirectory = "/var/run/bacula" >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>># Password = password >>>> >>>> Password = password >>>> >>>> Messages = Daemon >>>> >>>> DIRAddress = localhost >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>>### Storage >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>># Storage device for tape >>>> >>>>Storage { >>>> >>>> Name = Autochanger >>>> >>>> Address = backup. # N.B. Use a fully qualified name >>>>here, >>>>not localhost >>>> >>>> SDPort = 9103 >>>> >>>> Password = password >>>> >>>> Device = Autochanger >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Autochanger = yes # enable for autochanger device >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>#Storage { >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>>### Storage pools >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>># Default storage pool >>>> >>>>Pool { >>>> >>>> Name = Default >>>> >>>> Pool Type = Backup >>>> >>>> Storage = Autochanger >>>> >>>> Recycle = no # Bacula can automatically recycle >>>>Volumes >>>> >>>> AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes >>>> >>>> Volume Retention = 365 days # one year >>>> >>>> Maximum Volume Bytes = 2500G >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>># social service storage pool >>>> >>>>Pool { >>>> >>>> Name = svc >>>> >>>> Pool Type = Backup >>>> >>>> Storage = Autochanger >>>> >>>> Recycle = no # Bacula can automatically recycle >>>>Volumes >>>> >>>> AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes >>>> >>>> Volume Retention = 365 days # one year >>>> >>>> Maximum Volume Bytes = 2500G >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>># database service storage pool >>>> >>>>Pool { >>>> >>>> Name = database >>>> >>>> Pool Type = Backup >>>> >>>> Storage = Autochanger >>>> >>>> Recycle = no # Bacula can automatically recycle >>>>Volumes >>>> >>>> AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes >>>> >>>> Volume Retention = 365 days # one year >>>> >>>> Maximum Volume Bytes = 2500G >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>>### Backup catalog >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>> >>>># Generic catalog service >>>> >>>>Catalog { >>>> >>>> Name = MyCatalog >>>> >>>># Uncomment the following line if you want the dbi driver >>>> >>>># dbdriver = "dbi:mysql"; dbaddress =; dbport = >>>> >>>> dbname = "bacula"; dbuser = ""; dbpassword = "password" >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>>### Logging >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>> >>>># Reasonable message delivery -- send most everything to email address >>>> >>>># and to the console >>>> >>>>Messages { >>>> >>>> Name = Standard >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>># NOTE! If you send to two email or more email addresses, you will need >>>> >>>># to replace the %r in the from field (-f part) with a single valid >>>> >>>># email address in both the mailcommand and the operatorcommand. >>>> >>>># What this does is, it sets the email address that emails would >>>>display >>>> >>>># in the FROM field, which is by default the same email as they're >>>>being >>>> >>>># sent to. However, if you send email to more than one address, then >>>> >>>># you'll have to set the FROM address manually, to a single address. >>>> >>>># for example, a >>>>'<>', >>>>is better since that tends to >>>> >>>># tell (most) people that its coming from an automated source. >>>> >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>> mailcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\" >>>>-s >>>>\"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r" >>>> >>>> operatorcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) >>>>\<%r\>\" -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r" >>>> >>>> mail on error =<> = all, >>>>!skipped >>>> >>>> operator =<>= mount >>>> >>>> console = all, !skipped, !saved >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>># WARNING! the following will create a file that you must cycle from >>>> >>>># time to time as it will grow indefinitely. However, it will >>>> >>>># also keep all your messages if they scroll off the console. >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>> append = "/etc/bacula/working/log" = all, !skipped >>>> >>>> >>>> catalog = all, !skipped, !saved >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>># Message delivery for daemon messages (no job). >>>> >>>>Messages { >>>> >>>> Name = Daemon >>>> >>>> mailcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\" >>>>-s >>>>\"Bacula daemon message\" %r" >>>> >>>> mail = @localhost = all, !skipped >>>> >>>> console = all, !skipped, !saved >>>> >>>> append = "/etc/bacula/working/log" = all, !skipped >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>>### Console >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>> >>>># Restricted console used by tray-monitor to get the status of the >>>>director >>>> >>>>Console { >>>> >>>> Name = backup-mon >>>> >>>> Password = password >>>> >>>> CommandACL = status, .status >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>###### END DIR.CONF #### >>>> >>>>#### SHOW POOLS OUTPUT #### >>>> >>>> >>>>Pool: name=Default PoolType=Backup >>>> >>>> use_cat=1 use_once=0 cat_files=1 >>>> >>>> max_vols=0 auto_prune=1 VolRetention=1 year >>>> >>>> VolUse=0 secs recycle=0 LabelFormat=*None* >>>> >>>> CleaningPrefix=*None* LabelType=0 >>>> >>>> RecyleOldest=0 PurgeOldest=0 ActionOnPurge=0 >>>> >>>> MaxVolJobs=0 MaxVolFiles=0 MaxVolBytes=2684354560000 >>>> >>>> MigTime=0 secs MigHiBytes=0 MigLoBytes=0 >>>> >>>> JobRetention=0 secs FileRetention=0 secs >>>> >>>> --> Storage: name=Autochanger >>>><> >>>>SDport=9103 MaxJobs=20 >>>> >>>> DeviceName=Autochanger MediaType=LTO StorageId=13 >>>> >>>>Pool: name=svc PoolType=Backup >>>> >>>> use_cat=1 use_once=0 cat_files=1 >>>> >>>> max_vols=0 auto_prune=1 VolRetention=1 year >>>> >>>> VolUse=0 secs recycle=0 LabelFormat=*None* >>>> >>>> CleaningPrefix=*None* LabelType=0 >>>> >>>> RecyleOldest=0 PurgeOldest=0 ActionOnPurge=0 >>>> >>>> MaxVolJobs=0 MaxVolFiles=0 MaxVolBytes=2684354560000 >>>> >>>> MigTime=0 secs MigHiBytes=0 MigLoBytes=0 >>>> >>>> JobRetention=0 secs FileRetention=0 secs >>>> >>>> --> Storage: name=Autochanger >>>><> >>>>SDport=9103 MaxJobs=20 >>>> >>>> DeviceName=Autochanger MediaType=LTO StorageId=13 >>>> >>>>Pool: name=database PoolType=Backup >>>> >>>> use_cat=1 use_once=0 cat_files=1 >>>> >>>> max_vols=0 auto_prune=1 VolRetention=1 year >>>> >>>> VolUse=0 secs recycle=0 LabelFormat=*None* >>>> >>>> CleaningPrefix=*None* LabelType=0 >>>> >>>> RecyleOldest=0 PurgeOldest=0 ActionOnPurge=0 >>>> >>>> MaxVolJobs=0 MaxVolFiles=0 MaxVolBytes=2684354560000 >>>> >>>> MigTime=0 secs MigHiBytes=0 MigLoBytes=0 >>>> >>>> JobRetention=0 secs FileRetention=0 secs >>>> >>>> --> Storage: name=Autochanger >>>><> >>>>SDport=9103 MaxJobs=20 >>>> >>>> DeviceName=Autochanger MediaType=LTO StorageId=13 >>>> >>>> >>>>#### OUTPUT FROM QUERY option 15 ##### >>>> >>>> 15: List Volumes Bacula thinks are in changer >>>> >>>> 16: List Volumes likely to need replacement from age or errors >>>> >>>>Choose a query (1-16): 15 >>>> >>>>+---------+------------+-------------+-------------+------+----------+- >>>>- >>>>- >>>>- >>>>-------+-----------+ >>>> >>>>| MediaId | VolumeName | GB | Storage | Slot | Pool | >>>>MediaType | VolStatus | >>>> >>>>+---------+------------+-------------+-------------+------+----------+- >>>>- >>>>- >>>>- >>>>-------+-----------+ >>>> >>>>| 19 | AAAACE5F6B | 255.5893 | Autochanger | 1 | svc | >>>>LTO | Append | >>>> >>>>| 26 | AAAACC5F69 | 1657.5554 | Autochanger | 2 | svc | >>>>LTO | Append | >>>> >>>>| 20 | AAAACF5F6A | 1509.3844 | Autochanger | 3 | database | >>>>LTO | Append | >>>> >>>>| 25 | AAAAD45F71 | 7.1532 | Autochanger | 4 | database | >>>>LTO | Append | >>>> >>>>| 22 | AAAAD55F70 | 900.0329 | Autochanger | 5 | database | >>>>LTO | Append | >>>> >>>>| 21 | AAAAC95F6C | 129.9827 | Autochanger | 6 | database | >>>>LTO | Append | >>>> >>>>| 24 | AAAACB5F6E | 32.4151 | Autochanger | 7 | Default | >>>>LTO | Append | >>>> >>>>| 28 | AAAB3B609E | 329.3842 | Autochanger | 8 | Default | >>>>LTO | Append | >>>> >>>>| 23 | AAAACA5F6F | 1602.8880 | Autochanger | 9 | Default | >>>>LTO | Append | >>>> >>>>| 27 | AAAACD5F68 | 15.8603 | Autochanger | 10 | Default | >>>>LTO | Append | >>>> >>>>| 18 | AAAAC85F6D | 683.2106 | Autochanger | 11 | Default | >>>>LTO | Full | >>>> >>>>+---------+------------+-------------+-------------+------+----------+- >>>>- >>>>- >>>>- >>>>-------+—————+ >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>###### OUT PUT FROM STATUS STORAGE ##### >>>> >>>> >>>>*status storage >>>> >>>>Automatically selected Storage: Autochanger >>>> >>>>Connecting to Storage daemon Autochanger at >>>><> >>>> >>>> >>>>backup02-sd Version: 5.2.6 (21 February 2012) x86_64-pc-linux-gnu >>>>ubuntu >>>>14.04 >>>> >>>>Daemon started 20-Nov-14 20:53. Jobs: run=4, running=0. >>>> >>>> Heap: heap=270,336 smbytes=361,672 max_bytes=665,104 bufs=248 >>>>max_bufs=325 >>>> >>>> Sizes: boffset_t=8 size_t=8 int32_t=4 int64_t=8 mode=0,0 >>>> >>>> >>>>Running Jobs: >>>> >>>>No Jobs running. >>>> >>>>==== >>>> >>>> >>>>Jobs waiting to reserve a drive: >>>> >>>>==== >>>> >>>> >>>>Terminated Jobs: >>>> >>>> JobId Level Files Bytes Status Finished Name >>>> >>>>=================================================================== >>>> >>>> 950 Diff 2 14.14 G OK 20-Nov-14 10:39 >>>>shopdb3-02:database >>>> >>>> 948 Diff 2 29.38 G OK 20-Nov-14 11:12 >>>>pushdb1-02:database >>>> >>>> 946 Diff 1 31.01 G OK 20-Nov-14 11:28 >>>>ecommdb1-02:database >>>> >>>> 959 Diff 202 27.32 G OK 20-Nov-14 12:41 svc4 >>>> >>>> 960 Full 3,205 137.3 G OK 20-Nov-14 19:01 svc5 >>>> >>>> 966 Diff 1 1.321 G Cancel 20-Nov-14 20:46 >>>>labsdb3-02:database >>>> >>>> 970 Diff 1 3.567 G OK 20-Nov-14 21:20 >>>>labsdb3-02:database >>>> >>>> 971 Diff 3 4.529 G OK 20-Nov-14 21:25 >>>>labsdb4-02:database >>>> >>>> 972 Diff 1 5.152 G OK 20-Nov-14 21:26 >>>>labsdb5-01:database >>>> >>>> 973 Diff 1 5.508 G OK 20-Nov-14 21:26 >>>>labsdb6-02:database >>>> >>>>==== >>>> >>>> >>>>Device status: >>>> >>>>Autochanger "Autochanger" with devices: >>>> >>>> "Drive0" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-01-lun-0-nst) >>>> >>>> "Drive1" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-02-lun-0-nst) >>>> >>>> "Drive2" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-03-lun-0-nst) >>>> >>>> "Drive3" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-04-lun-0-nst) >>>> >>>> "Drive4" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-05-lun-0-nst) >>>> >>>> "Drive5" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-06-lun-0-nst) >>>> >>>> "Drive6" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-07-lun-0-nst) >>>> >>>> "Drive7" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-08-lun-0-nst) >>>> >>>> "Drive8" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-09-lun-0-nst) >>>> >>>> "Drive9" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-10-lun-0-nst) >>>> >>>>Device "Drive0" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-01-lun-0-nst) is mounted with: >>>> >>>> Volume: AAAACF5F6A >>>> >>>> Pool: database >>>> >>>> Media type: LTO >>>> >>>> Slot 3 is loaded in drive 0. >>>> >>>> Total Bytes=1,621,836,840,960 Blocks=290,988 Bytes/block=5,573,552 >>>> >>>> Positioned at File=1,662 Block=0 >>>> >>>>Device "Drive1" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-02-lun-0-nst) is not open. >>>> >>>> Drive 1 is not loaded. >>>> >>>>Device "Drive2" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-03-lun-0-nst) is not open. >>>> >>>> Drive 2 is not loaded. >>>> >>>>Device "Drive3" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-04-lun-0-nst) is not open. >>>> >>>> Drive 3 is not loaded. >>>> >>>>Device "Drive4" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-05-lun-0-nst) is not open. >>>> >>>> Drive 4 is not loaded. >>>> >>>>Device "Drive5" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-06-lun-0-nst) is not open. >>>> >>>> Drive 5 is not loaded. >>>> >>>>Device "Drive6" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-07-lun-0-nst) is not open. >>>> >>>> Drive 6 is not loaded. >>>> >>>>Device "Drive7" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-08-lun-0-nst) is not open. >>>> >>>> Drive 7 is not loaded. >>>> >>>>Device "Drive8" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-09-lun-0-nst) is not open. >>>> >>>> Drive 8 is not loaded. >>>> >>>>Device "Drive9" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-10-lun-0-nst) is not open. >>>> >>>> Drive 9 is not loaded. >>>> >>>>==== >>>> >>>> >>>>Used Volume status: >>>> >>>>AAAACF5F6A on device "Drive0" >>>>(/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>2 >>>>0 >>>>b >>>>85d49-tapedrive-01-lun-0-nst) >>>> >>>> Reader=0 writers=0 devres=0 volinuse=0 >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>############### >>>> >>>> >>>>##### OUT PUT FROM LIST JOBS ### >>>> >>>> >>>>| 970 | labsdb3-02:database | 2014-11-20 20:58:07 | B | D >>>>| >>>> >>>> >>>> 1 | 3,567,140,654 | T | >>>> >>>>| 971 | labsdb4-02:database | 2014-11-20 20:58:09 | B | D >>>>| >>>> >>>> >>>> 3 | 4,529,882,002 | T | >>>> >>>>| 972 | labsdb5-01:database | 2014-11-20 20:58:16 | B | D >>>>| >>>> >>>> >>>> 0 | 0 | R | >>>> >>>>| 973 | labsdb6-02:database | 2014-11-20 20:58:18 | B | D >>>>| >>>> >>>> >>>> 0 | 0 | R >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>##### AND FINALLY, querying jobid for volume shows all 4 jobs writing >>>>to >>>>the same volume at the same time, interleaving as opposed to using >>>>available volume in pool #### >>>> >>>> >>>>Available queries: >>>> >>>> 1: List up to 20 places where a File is saved regardless of the >>>>directory >>>> >>>> 2: List where the most recent copies of a file are saved >>>> >>>> 3: List last 20 Full Backups for a Client >>>> >>>> 4: List all backups for a Client after a specified time >>>> >>>> 5: List all backups for a Client >>>> >>>> 6: List Volume Attributes for a selected Volume >>>> >>>> 7: List Volumes used by selected JobId >>>> >>>> 8: List Volumes to Restore All Files >>>> >>>> 9: List Pool Attributes for a selected Pool >>>> >>>> 10: List total files/bytes by Job >>>> >>>> 11: List total files/bytes by Volume >>>> >>>> 12: List Files for a selected JobId >>>> >>>> 13: List Jobs stored on a selected MediaId >>>> >>>> 14: List Jobs stored for a given Volume name >>>> >>>> 15: List Volumes Bacula thinks are in changer >>>> >>>> 16: List Volumes likely to need replacement from age or errors >>>> >>>>Choose a query (1-16): 7 >>>> >>>>Enter JobId: 970 >>>> >>>>+-------+------------+ >>>> >>>>| JobId | VolumeName | >>>> >>>>+-------+------------+ >>>> >>>>| 970 | AAAACF5F6A | >>>> >>>>+-------+------------+ >>>> >>>>*query >>>> >>>>Available queries: >>>> >>>> 1: List up to 20 places where a File is saved regardless of the >>>>directory >>>> >>>> 2: List where the most recent copies of a file are saved >>>> >>>> 3: List last 20 Full Backups for a Client >>>> >>>> 4: List all backups for a Client after a specified time >>>> >>>> 5: List all backups for a Client >>>> >>>> 6: List Volume Attributes for a selected Volume >>>> >>>> 7: List Volumes used by selected JobId >>>> >>>> 8: List Volumes to Restore All Files >>>> >>>> 9: List Pool Attributes for a selected Pool >>>> >>>> 10: List total files/bytes by Job >>>> >>>> 11: List total files/bytes by Volume >>>> >>>> 12: List Files for a selected JobId >>>> >>>> 13: List Jobs stored on a selected MediaId >>>> >>>> 14: List Jobs stored for a given Volume name >>>> >>>> 15: List Volumes Bacula thinks are in changer >>>> >>>> 16: List Volumes likely to need replacement from age or errors >>>> >>>>Choose a query (1-16): 7 >>>> >>>>Enter JobId: 971 >>>> >>>>+-------+------------+ >>>> >>>>| JobId | VolumeName | >>>> >>>>+-------+------------+ >>>> >>>>| 971 | AAAACF5F6A | >>>> >>>>+-------+------------+ >>>> >>>>*query >>>> >>>>Available queries: >>>> >>>> 1: List up to 20 places where a File is saved regardless of the >>>>directory >>>> >>>> 2: List where the most recent copies of a file are saved >>>> >>>> 3: List last 20 Full Backups for a Client >>>> >>>> 4: List all backups for a Client after a specified time >>>> >>>> 5: List all backups for a Client >>>> >>>> 6: List Volume Attributes for a selected Volume >>>> >>>> 7: List Volumes used by selected JobId >>>> >>>> 8: List Volumes to Restore All Files >>>> >>>> 9: List Pool Attributes for a selected Pool >>>> >>>> 10: List total files/bytes by Job >>>> >>>> 11: List total files/bytes by Volume >>>> >>>> 12: List Files for a selected JobId >>>> >>>> 13: List Jobs stored on a selected MediaId >>>> >>>> 14: List Jobs stored for a given Volume name >>>> >>>> 15: List Volumes Bacula thinks are in changer >>>> >>>> 16: List Volumes likely to need replacement from age or errors >>>> >>>>Choose a query (1-16): 7 >>>> >>>>Enter JobId: 972 >>>> >>>>+-------+------------+ >>>> >>>>| JobId | VolumeName | >>>> >>>>+-------+------------+ >>>> >>>>| 972 | AAAACF5F6A | >>>> >>>>+-------+------------+ >>>> >>>>*query >>>> >>>>Available queries: >>>> >>>> 1: List up to 20 places where a File is saved regardless of the >>>>directory >>>> >>>> 2: List where the most recent copies of a file are saved >>>> >>>> 3: List last 20 Full Backups for a Client >>>> >>>> 4: List all backups for a Client after a specified time >>>> >>>> 5: List all backups for a Client >>>> >>>> 6: List Volume Attributes for a selected Volume >>>> >>>> 7: List Volumes used by selected JobId >>>> >>>> 8: List Volumes to Restore All Files >>>> >>>> 9: List Pool Attributes for a selected Pool >>>> >>>> 10: List total files/bytes by Job >>>> >>>> 11: List total files/bytes by Volume >>>> >>>> 12: List Files for a selected JobId >>>> >>>> 13: List Jobs stored on a selected MediaId >>>> >>>> 14: List Jobs stored for a given Volume name >>>> >>>> 15: List Volumes Bacula thinks are in changer >>>> >>>> 16: List Volumes likely to need replacement from age or errors >>>> >>>>Choose a query (1-16): 7 >>>> >>>>Enter JobId: 973 >>>> >>>>+-------+------------+ >>>> >>>>| JobId | VolumeName | >>>> >>>>+-------+------------+ >>>> >>>>| 973 | AAAACF5F6A | >>>> >>>>+-------+------------ >>>> >>>>From: "Ana Emília M. Arruda" >>>><<>> >>>>Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 5:56 PM >>>>To: "Kelley, Jared" <<>> >>>>Cc: bacula-users >>>><<mailto:bacula-users@lists.sourcefor >>>>g >>>>e >>>>. >>>>net>> >>>>Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] bacula can't make use of multi drives >>>> >>>>Hi Jared, >>>> >>>>In your bacula-sd.conf, you have defined an autochanger device: >>>> >>>> >>>>Name = Autochanger >>>> >>>> Device = Drive-1, Drive-2, Drive-3, Drive-4, Drive-5, Drive-6, >>>>Drive-7, >>>>Drive-8, Drive-9, Drive-10 >>>> >>>>... >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>But, in your bacula-sd.conf, you don't use it. Instead, you have a >>>>storage definition for each of your tape devices, like the bellow one >>>>for >>>>the Drive-1: >>>> >>>> >>>>Storage { >>>> >>>> Name = Tape1 >>>> >>>> Address = backup # N.B. Use a fully qualified name >>>>here, >>>>not localhost >>>> >>>> SDPort = 9103 >>>> >>>> Password = “PASSWORD" # password for SD >>>> >>>> Device = Drive-1 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Autochanger = yes # enable for autochanger device >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> This way, you are not using an autochanger nor a group of devices, >>>>but >>>>stand alone tape drives. >>>> >>>>If you want to use the autochanger, in your bacula-dir.conf, you >>>>should >>>>have just one storage definition for your autochanger, like (note that >>>>the Device name in your bacula-dir.conf is the same as the Autochanger >>>>Name in your bacula-sd.conf): >>>> >>>> >>>>Storage { >>>> >>>> Name = >>>> >>>>Autochanger-sd >>>> >>>> Address = backup # N.B. Use a fully qualified name >>>>here, >>>>not localhost >>>> >>>> SDPort = 9103 >>>> >>>> Password = “PASSWORD" # password for SD >>>> >>>> Device = >>>> >>>> Autochanger >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Autochanger = yes # enable for autochanger device >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> Also, could you please confirm if the bellow definitions in your >>>>pools >>>>are really working? >>>> >>>> >>>>Pool { >>>> >>>> Name = Default >>>> >>>> Pool Type = Backup >>>> >>>> Storage = Tape7, Tape8, Tape9, Tape10 >>>> >>>>... >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Is it really possible to have more than one storage in the storage >>>>directive definition above? Because I really think that the storage >>>>directive accepts just one storage entry definition. And if you have >>>>defined an autochanger in your bacula-dir.conf, so this should be >>>>something like: >>>> >>>> >>>>Pool { >>>> >>>> Name = Default >>>> >>>> Pool Type = Backup >>>> >>>> Storage = Autochanger-sd >>>> >>>>... >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Best regards, >>>> >>>>Ana >>>> >>>> >>>>On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 5:01 PM, Kelley, Jared >>>><<>> wrote: >>>>Sure, here is my bacula-sd.conf and bacula-dir.conf. passwords and >>>>addresses edited for security reasons. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>># Default Bacula Storage Daemon Configuration file >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>># For Bacula release 3.0.1 (30 April 2009) -- debian 5.0.1 >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>># You may need to change the name of your tape drive >>>> >>>># on the "Archive Device" directive in the Device >>>> >>>># resource. If you change the Name and/or the >>>> >>>># "Media Type" in the Device resource, please ensure >>>> >>>># that dird.conf has corresponding changes. >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>> >>>>Storage { # definition of myself >>>> >>>> Name = backup02-sd >>>> >>>> SDPort = 9103 # Director's port >>>> >>>> WorkingDirectory = "/etc/bacula/working" >>>> >>>> Pid Directory = "/var/run/bacula" >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>># List Directors who are permitted to contact Storage daemon >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>>Director { >>>> >>>> Name = backup02-dir >>>> >>>> Password = “PASSWORD" >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>## Restricted Director, used by tray-monitor to get the >>>> >>>># status of the storage daemon >>>> >>>>## >>>> >>>>Director { >>>> >>>> Name = backup02-mon >>>> >>>> Password = “PASSWORD" >>>> >>>> Monitor = yes >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>Autochanger { >>>> >>>> Name = Autochanger >>>> >>>> Device = Drive-1, Drive-2, Drive-3, Drive-4, Drive-5, Drive-6, >>>>Drive-7, >>>>Drive-8, Drive-9, Drive-10 >>>> >>>> Changer Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d" >>>> >>>> Changer Device = /dev/sg12 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>>> Name = Drive-1 >>>> >>>> Drive Index = 0 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Archive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>p >>>>e >>>>d >>>>rive-01-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMedia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>> Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>>> Name = Drive-2 >>>> >>>> Drive Index = 1 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Archive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>p >>>>e >>>>d >>>>rive-02-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMedia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>> Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>>> Name = Drive-3 >>>> >>>> Drive Index = 2 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Archive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>p >>>>e >>>>d >>>>rive-03-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMedia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>> Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>>> Name = Drive-4 >>>> >>>> Drive Index = 3 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Archive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>p >>>>e >>>>d >>>>rive-04-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMedia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>> Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>>> Name = Drive-5 >>>> >>>> Drive Index = 4 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Archive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>p >>>>e >>>>d >>>>rive-05-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMedia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>> Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>>> Name = Drive-6 >>>> >>>> Drive Index = 5 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Archive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>p >>>>e >>>>d >>>>rive-06-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMedia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>> Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>>> Name = Drive-7 >>>> >>>> Drive Index = 6 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Archive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>p >>>>e >>>>d >>>>rive-07-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMedia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>> Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>>> Name = Drive-8 >>>> >>>> Drive Index = 7 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Archive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>p >>>>e >>>>d >>>>rive-08-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMedia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>> Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>>> Name = Drive-9 >>>> >>>> Drive Index = 8 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Archive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>p >>>>e >>>>d >>>>rive-09-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMedia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>> Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Device { >>>> >>>> Name = Drive-10 >>>> >>>> Drive Index = 9 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Archive Device = >>>>/dev/tape/by-path/ >>>>p >>>>e >>>>d >>>>rive-10-lun-0-nst >>>> >>>> AutomaticMount = yes; # when device opened, read it >>>> >>>> AlwaysOpen = yes; >>>> >>>> RemovableMedia = yes; >>>> >>>> RandomAccess = no; >>>> >>>> LabelMedia = no; >>>> >>>> AutoChanger = yes >>>> >>>> # Enable the Alert command only if you have the mtx package loaded >>>> >>>> Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'" >>>> >>>> SpoolDirectory = /etc/bacula/spool >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>> Maximum Changer Wait = 10 minutes >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>># Send all messages except skipped files back to Director >>>> >>>>Messages { >>>> >>>> Name = Standard >>>> >>>> director = backup02-dir = all, !skipped, !restored >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>>########### END BACULA-SD.CONF ############ >>>> >>>>########### BEGIN BACULA-DIR.CONF ########## >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>Default Bacula Director Configuration file >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>># The only thing that MUST be changed is to add one or more >>>> >>>># file or directory names in the Include directive of the >>>> >>>># FileSet resource. >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>># For Bacula release 3.0.1 (30 April 2009) -- debian 5.0.1 >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>># You might also want to change the default email address >>>> >>>># from root to your address. See the "mail" and "operator" >>>> >>>># directives in the Messages resource. >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>>### Source other config files >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>> >>>>@/etc/bacula/clients.conf >>>> >>>>@/etc/bacula/jobs.conf >>>> >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>>### Basic director configuration >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>> >>>>Director { # define myself >>>> >>>> Name = backup02-dir >>>> >>>> DIRport = 9101 # where we listen for UA connections >>>> >>>> QueryFile = "/etc/bacula/query.sql" >>>> >>>> WorkingDirectory = "/etc/bacula/working" >>>> >>>> PidDirectory = "/var/run/bacula" >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>> Password = “PASSWORD" # Console password >>>> >>>> Messages = Daemon >>>> >>>> DIRAddress = localhost >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>>### Storage >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>># Storage device for tape >>>> >>>>Storage { >>>> >>>> Name = Tape1 >>>> >>>> Address = backup # N.B. Use a fully qualified name >>>>here, >>>>not localhost >>>> >>>> SDPort = 9103 >>>> >>>> Password = “PASSWORD" # password for SD >>>> >>>> Device = Drive-1 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Autochanger = yes # enable for autochanger device >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Storage { >>>> >>>> Name = Tape2 >>>> >>>> Address = backup # N.B. Use a fully qualified name >>>>here, >>>>not localhost >>>> >>>> SDPort = 9103 >>>> >>>> Password = “PASSWORD" # password for SD >>>> >>>> Device = Drive-2 # must be same Device in sd >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Autochanger = yes # enable for autochanger device >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Storage { >>>> >>>> Name = Tape3 >>>> >>>> Address = backup # N.B. Use a fully qualified name >>>>here, >>>>not localhost >>>> >>>> SDPort = 9103 >>>> >>>> Password = “PASSWORD" # password for SD >>>> >>>> Device = Drive-3 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Autochanger = yes # enable for autochanger device >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Storage { >>>> >>>> Name = Tape4 >>>> >>>> Address = backup # N.B. Use a fully qualified name >>>>here, >>>>not localhost >>>> >>>> SDPort = 9103 >>>> >>>> Password = “PASSWORD" # password for SD >>>> >>>> Device = Drive-4 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Autochanger = yes # enable for autochanger device >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Storage { >>>> >>>> Name = Tape5 >>>> >>>> Address = backup # N.B. Use a fully qualified name >>>>here, >>>>not localhost >>>> >>>> SDPort = 9103 >>>> >>>> Password = “PASSWORD" # password for SD >>>> >>>> Device = Drive-5 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Autochanger = yes # enable for autochanger device >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Storage { >>>> >>>> Name = Tape6 >>>> >>>> Address = backup # N.B. Use a fully qualified name >>>>here, >>>>not localhost >>>> >>>> SDPort = 9103 >>>> >>>> Password = “PASSWORD" # password for SD >>>> >>>> Device = Drive-6 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Autochanger = yes # enable for autochanger device >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Storage { >>>> >>>> Name = Tape7 >>>> >>>> Address = backup # N.B. Use a fully qualified name >>>>here, >>>>not localhost >>>> >>>> SDPort = 9103 >>>> >>>> Password = “PASSWORD" # password for SD >>>> >>>> Device = Drive-7 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Autochanger = yes # enable for autochanger device >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Storage { >>>> >>>> Name = Tape8 >>>> >>>> Address = backup # N.B. Use a fully qualified name >>>>here, >>>>not localhost >>>> >>>> SDPort = 9103 >>>> >>>> Password = “PASSWORD" # password for SD >>>> >>>> Device = Drive-8 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Autochanger = yes # enable for autochanger device >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Storage { >>>> >>>> Name = Tape9 >>>> >>>> Address = backup # N.B. Use a fully qualified name >>>>here, >>>>not localhost >>>> >>>> SDPort = 9103 >>>> >>>> Password = “PASSWORD" # password for SD >>>> >>>> Device = Drive-9 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Autochanger = yes # enable for autochanger device >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>Storage { >>>> >>>> Name = Tape10 >>>> >>>> Address = backup # N.B. Use a fully qualified name >>>>here, >>>>not localhost >>>> >>>> SDPort = 9103 >>>> >>>> Password = “PASSWORD" # password for SD >>>> >>>> Device = Drive-10 >>>> >>>> Media Type = LTO >>>> >>>> Autochanger = yes # enable for autochanger device >>>> >>>> Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>#Storage { >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>>### Storage pools >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>># Default storage pool >>>> >>>>Pool { >>>> >>>> Name = Default >>>> >>>> Pool Type = Backup >>>> >>>> Storage = Tape7, Tape8, Tape9, Tape10 >>>> >>>> Recycle = no # Bacula can automatically >>>>recycle >>>>Volumes >>>> >>>> AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes >>>> >>>> Volume Retention = 365 days # one year >>>> >>>> Maximum Volume Bytes = 2500G >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>># social service storage pool >>>> >>>>Pool { >>>> >>>> Name = svc >>>> >>>> Pool Type = Backup >>>> >>>> Storage = Tape1, Tape2 >>>> >>>> Recycle = no # Bacula can automatically >>>>recycle >>>>Volumes >>>> >>>> AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes >>>> >>>> Volume Retention = 365 days # one year >>>> >>>> Maximum Volume Bytes = 2500G >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>># database service storage pool >>>> >>>>Pool { >>>> >>>> Name = database >>>> >>>> Pool Type = Backup >>>> >>>> Storage = Tape3, Tape4, Tape5, Tape6 >>>> >>>> Recycle = no # Bacula can automatically >>>>recycle >>>>Volumes >>>> >>>> AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes >>>> >>>> Volume Retention = 365 days # one year >>>> >>>> Maximum Volume Bytes = 2500G >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>>### Backup catalog >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>> >>>># Generic catalog service >>>> >>>>Catalog { >>>> >>>> Name = MyCatalog >>>> >>>># Uncomment the following line if you want the dbi driver >>>> >>>># dbdriver = "dbi:mysql"; dbaddress =; dbport = >>>> >>>> dbname = "bacula"; dbuser = “USER"; dbpassword = “HAHAHA" >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>>### Logging >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>> >>>># Reasonable message delivery -- send most everything to email address >>>> >>>># and to the console >>>> >>>>Messages { >>>> >>>> Name = Standard >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>># NOTE! If you send to two email or more email addresses, you will need >>>> >>>># to replace the %r in the from field (-f part) with a single valid >>>> >>>># email address in both the mailcommand and the operatorcommand. >>>> >>>># What this does is, it sets the email address that emails would >>>>display >>>> >>>># in the FROM field, which is by default the same email as they're >>>>being >>>> >>>># sent to. However, if you send email to more than one address, then >>>> >>>># you'll have to set the FROM address manually, to a single address. >>>> >>>># for example, a >>>>'<>', >>>>is better since that tends to >>>> >>>># tell (most) people that its coming from an automated source. >>>> >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>> mailcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\" >>>>-s >>>>\"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r" >>>> >>>> operatorcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) >>>>\<%r\>\" -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r" >>>> >>>> mail on error = EMAILADDRESS = all, !skipped >>>> >>>> operator = EMAILADDRESS= mount >>>> >>>> console = all, !skipped, !saved >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>># WARNING! the following will create a file that you must cycle from >>>> >>>># time to time as it will grow indefinitely. However, it will >>>> >>>># also keep all your messages if they scroll off the console. >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>> append = "/etc/bacula/working/log" = all, !skipped >>>> >>>> >>>> catalog = all, !skipped, !saved >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>># >>>> >>>># Message delivery for daemon messages (no job). >>>> >>>>Messages { >>>> >>>> Name = Daemon >>>> >>>> mailcommand = "/usr/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\" >>>>-s >>>>\"Bacula daemon message\" %r" >>>> >>>> mail = root@localhost = all, !skipped >>>> >>>> console = all, !skipped, !saved >>>> >>>> append = "/etc/bacula/working/log" = all, !skipped >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>>### Console >>>> >>>>### >>>> >>>> >>>># Restricted console used by tray-monitor to get the status of the >>>>director >>>> >>>>Console { >>>> >>>> Name = backup02-mon >>>> >>>> Password = “PASSWORD" >>>> >>>> CommandACL = status, .status >>>> >>>>} >>>> >>>>From: "Ana Emília M. Arruda" >>>><<>> >>>>Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 11:27 AM >>>>To: "Kelley, Jared" <<>> >>>>Cc: "<>" >>>><<>>, Josh Fisher >>>><<>>, >>>>"<mailto:bacula-users@lists.sourcefor >>>>g >>>>e >>>>. >>>>net>" >>>><<mailto:bacula-users@lists.sourcefor >>>>g >>>>e >>>>. >>>>net>> >>>> >>>>Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] bacula can't make use of multi drives >>>> >>>>Hi Jared, >>>> >>>>Can you post here your storage configurations? >>>> >>>>Best regards, >>>>Ana >>>> >>>>On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 3:56 PM, Kelley, Jared >>>><<>> wrote: >>>>For the sake of sharing information I am going to reply to this thread >>>>since I am working on the same type of setup and experiencing similar >>>>issues. >>>> >>>> >>>>I removed the setting ‘prefer mounted volumes = no' and separated my >>>>jobs >>>>into 3 different pools. All my jobs are running smoothly now, no >>>>failures. The prefer mounted volumes was the issue. >>>>Now I am experiencing interleaving on a single volume/tape drive with >>>>multiple jobs scheduled at the same time, in the same pool, as opposed >>>>to >>>>bacula using different volumes and different drives for jobs scheduled >>>>at >>>>the same time for the same pool. >>>> >>>>Here is my issue: >>>> >>>>I have 10 jobs that kick off at the same time every day. Each job >>>>takes >>>>anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours. The pool behind these jobs has 4 >>>>tape drives and 4 volumes(virtual tapes) assigned to it. The 10 jobs >>>>all >>>>kick off at the same time and they all write to the same volume, >>>>apparently(assuming) interleaving the data. See my paste below, Ive >>>>bolded start times, end times, pools and tapes. One can see these >>>>jobs >>>>all completed near each other and ran for over an hour. All to the >>>>same >>>>tape/volume, tape3 and volume AAAACF5F6A . I assume if I had the >>>>"prefer mounted volume=no" for these jobs they would use all 4 drives >>>>in >>>>the pool and write to separate volumes as opposed to interleaving to a >>>>single drive and volume. But based on the manual, reported problems >>>>and >>>>experienced problems with ‘prefer mounted volumes = no’ I hesitate to >>>>use >>>>that. >>>> >>>>My question: >>>>Is there another way to get multiple jobs scheduled at the same time >>>>to >>>>run concurrently using different drives and volumes, as assigned to >>>>the >>>>pool, versus all writing at the same time and interleaving the data to >>>>a >>>>single drive and volume even though the pool has 4 drives/volumes >>>>assigned to it? Or is prefer mounted volumes = no the only way to >>>>solve this? >>>> >>>>any help is greatly appreciated >>>> >>>> >>>>19-Nov 10:06 backup02-sd JobId 925: Job write elapsed time = 01:01:23, >>>>Transfer rate = 1.489 M Bytes/second >>>> >>>>19-Nov 10:06 backup02-dir JobId 925: Bacula backup02-dir 5.2.6 >>>>(21Feb12): >>>> >>>> Build OS: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 14.04 >>>> >>>> JobId: 925 >>>> >>>> Job: labsdb1.2014-11-19_09.05.00_21 >>>> >>>> Backup Level: Full (upgraded from Differential) >>>> >>>> Client: "labsdb1" 2.4.4 (28Dec08) >>>>x86_64-pc-linux-gnu,debian,lenny/sid >>>> >>>> FileSet: "Database Backup" 2014-11-07 22:02:50 >>>> >>>> Pool: "database" (From Job resource) >>>> >>>> Catalog: "MyCatalog" (From Client resource) >>>> >>>> Storage: "Tape3" (From Pool resource) >>>> >>>> Scheduled time: 19-Nov-2014 09:05:00 >>>> >>>> Start time: 19-Nov-2014 09:05:02 >>>> >>>> End time: 19-Nov-2014 10:06:26 >>>> >>>> Elapsed time: 1 hour 1 min 24 secs >>>> >>>> Priority: 10 >>>> >>>> FD Files Written: 2 >>>> >>>> SD Files Written: 2 >>>> >>>> FD Bytes Written: 5,486,802,781 (5.486 GB) >>>> >>>> SD Bytes Written: 5,486,802,988 (5.486 GB) >>>> >>>> Rate: 1489.4 KB/s >>>> >>>> Software Compression: None >>>> >>>> VSS: no >>>> >>>> Encryption: no >>>> >>>> Accurate: no >>>> >>>> Volume name(s): AAAACF5F6A >>>> >>>> Volume Session Id: 155 >>>> >>>> Volume Session Time: 1415816791 >>>> >>>> Last Volume Bytes: 1,348,311,508,992 (1.348 TB) >>>> >>>> Non-fatal FD errors: 0 >>>> >>>> SD Errors: 0 >>>> >>>> FD termination status: OK >>>> >>>> SD termination status: OK >>>> >>>> Termination: Backup OK >>>> >>>> >>>>19-Nov 10:06 backup02-dir JobId 925: Begin pruning Jobs older than 1 >>>>year >>>>. >>>> >>>>19-Nov 10:06 backup02-dir JobId 925: No Jobs found to prune. >>>> >>>>19-Nov 10:06 backup02-dir JobId 925: Begin pruning Files. >>>> >>>>19-Nov 10:06 backup02-dir JobId 925: No Files found to prune. >>>> >>>>19-Nov 10:06 backup02-dir JobId 925: End auto prune. >>>> >>>> >>>>19-Nov 10:41 backup02-sd JobId 919: Job write elapsed time = 01:36:26, >>>>Transfer rate = 2.570 M Bytes/second >>>> >>>>19-Nov 10:41 backup02-dir JobId 919: Bacula backup02-dir 5.2.6 >>>>(21Feb12): >>>> >>>> Build OS: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 14.04 >>>> >>>> JobId: 919 >>>> >>>> Job: shopd1.2014-11-19_09.05.00_15 >>>> >>>> Backup Level: Full (upgraded from Differential) >>>> >>>> Client: "shopdb1" 5.0.2 (28Apr10) >>>>x86_64-pc-linux-gnu,debian,squeeze/sid >>>> >>>> FileSet: "varlibDatabase Backup" 2014-11-06 20:20:52 >>>> >>>> Pool: "database" (From Job resource) >>>> >>>> Catalog: "MyCatalog" (From Client resource) >>>> >>>> Storage: "Tape3" (From Pool resource) >>>> >>>> Scheduled time: 19-Nov-2014 09:05:00 >>>> >>>> Start time: 19-Nov-2014 09:05:00 >>>> >>>> End time: 19-Nov-2014 10:41:26 >>>> >>>> Elapsed time: 1 hour 36 mins 26 secs >>>> >>>> Priority: 10 >>>> >>>> FD Files Written: 3 >>>> >>>> SD Files Written: 3 >>>> >>>> FD Bytes Written: 14,875,191,024 (14.87 GB) >>>> >>>> SD Bytes Written: 14,875,192,011 (14.87 GB) >>>> >>>> Rate: 2570.9 KB/s >>>> >>>> Software Compression: None >>>> >>>> VSS: no >>>> >>>> Encryption: yes >>>> >>>> Accurate: no >>>> >>>> Volume name(s): AAAACF5F6A >>>> >>>> Volume Session Id: 149 >>>> >>>> Volume Session Time: 1415816791 >>>> >>>> Last Volume Bytes: 1,375,507,574,784 (1.375 TB) >>>> >>>> Non-fatal FD errors: 0 >>>> >>>> SD Errors: 0 >>>> >>>> FD termination status: OK >>>> >>>> SD termination status: OK >>>> >>>> Termination: Backup OK >>>> >>>> >>>>19-Nov 10:41 backup02-dir JobId 919: Begin pruning Jobs older than 7 >>>>years . >>>> >>>>19-Nov 10:41 backup02-dir JobId 919: No Jobs found to prune. >>>> >>>>19-Nov 10:41 backup02-dir JobId 919: Begin pruning Files. >>>> >>>>19-Nov 10:41 backup02-dir JobId 919: No Files found to prune. >>>> >>>>19-Nov 10:41 backup02-dir JobId 919: End auto prune. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>19-Nov 11:10 backup02-sd JobId 917: Job write elapsed time = 02:05:32, >>>>Transfer rate = 3.894 M Bytes/second >>>> >>>>19-Nov 11:10 backup02-dir JobId 917: Bacula backup02-dir 5.2.6 >>>>(21Feb12): >>>> >>>> Build OS: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 14.04 >>>> >>>> JobId: 917 >>>> >>>> Job: pushdb.2014-11-19_09.05.00_13 >>>> >>>> Backup Level: Full (upgraded from Differential) >>>> >>>> Client: "pushdb1" 5.0.2 (28Apr10) >>>>x86_64-pc-linux-gnu,debian,6.0.6 >>>> >>>> FileSet: "varlibDatabase Backup" 2014-11-06 20:20:52 >>>> >>>> Pool: "database" (From Job resource) >>>> >>>> Catalog: "MyCatalog" (From Client resource) >>>> >>>> Storage: "Tape3" (From Pool resource) >>>> >>>> Scheduled time: 19-Nov-2014 09:05:00 >>>> >>>> Start time: 19-Nov-2014 09:05:00 >>>> >>>> End time: 19-Nov-2014 11:10:33 >>>> >>>> Elapsed time: 2 hours 5 mins 33 secs >>>> >>>> Priority: 10 >>>> >>>> FD Files Written: 2 >>>> >>>> SD Files Written: 2 >>>> >>>> FD Bytes Written: 29,334,385,684 (29.33 GB) >>>> >>>> SD Bytes Written: 29,334,385,894 (29.33 GB) >>>> >>>> Rate: 3894.1 KB/s >>>> >>>> Software Compression: None >>>> >>>> VSS: no >>>> >>>> Encryption: no >>>> >>>> Accurate: no >>>> >>>> Volume name(s): AAAACF5F6A >>>> >>>> Volume Session Id: 147 >>>> >>>> Volume Session Time: 1415816791 >>>> >>>> Last Volume Bytes: 1,397,835,371,520 (1.397 TB) >>>> >>>> Non-fatal FD errors: 1 >>>> >>>> SD Errors: 0 >>>> >>>> FD termination status: OK >>>> >>>> SD termination status: OK >>>> >>>> Termination: Backup OK >>>> >>>> >>>>19-Nov 11:10 backup02-dir JobId 917: Begin pruning Jobs older than 1 >>>>year >>>>. >>>> >>>>19-Nov 11:10 backup02-dir JobId 917: No Jobs found to prune. >>>> >>>>19-Nov 11:10 backup02-dir JobId 917: Begin pruning Files. >>>> >>>>19-Nov 11:10 backup02-dir JobId 917: No Files found to prune. >>>> >>>>19-Nov 11:10 backup02-dir JobId 917: End auto prune. >>>> >>>> >>>>19-Nov 11:26 backup02-sd JobId 915: Job write elapsed time = 02:21:25, >>>>Transfer rate = 3.655 M Bytes/second >>>> >>>>19-Nov 11:26 backup02-dir JobId 915: Bacula backup02-dir 5.2.6 >>>>(21Feb12): >>>> >>>> Build OS: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 14.04 >>>> >>>> JobId: 915 >>>> >>>> Job: ecommdb1.2014-11-19_09.05.00_11 >>>> >>>> Backup Level: Differential, since=2014-11-08 09:05:03 >>>> >>>> Client: "ecommdb" 2.4.4 (28Dec08) >>>>x86_64-pc-linux-gnu,debian,lenny/sid >>>> >>>> FileSet: "Database Backup" 2014-11-07 22:02:50 >>>> >>>> Pool: "database" (From Job resource) >>>> >>>> Catalog: "MyCatalog" (From Client resource) >>>> >>>> Storage: "Tape3" (From Pool resource) >>>> >>>> Scheduled time: 19-Nov-2014 09:05:00 >>>> >>>> Start time: 19-Nov-2014 09:05:00 >>>> >>>> End time: 19-Nov-2014 11:26:27 >>>> >>>> Elapsed time: 2 hours 21 mins 27 secs >>>> >>>> Priority: 10 >>>> >>>> FD Files Written: 1 >>>> >>>> SD Files Written: 1 >>>> >>>> FD Bytes Written: 31,016,183,168 (31.01 GB) >>>> >>>> SD Bytes Written: 31,016,183,295 (31.01 GB) >>>> >>>> Rate: 3654.6 KB/s >>>> >>>> Software Compression: None >>>> >>>> VSS: no >>>> >>>> Encryption: no >>>> >>>> Accurate: no >>>> >>>> Volume name(s): AAAACF5F6A >>>> >>>> Volume Session Id: 145 >>>> >>>> Volume Session Time: 1415816791 >>>> >>>> Last Volume Bytes: 1,407,107,681,280 (1.407 TB) >>>> >>>> Non-fatal FD errors: 0 >>>> >>>> SD Errors: 0 >>>> >>>> FD termination status: OK >>>> >>>> SD termination status: OK >>>> >>>> Termination: Backup OK >>>> >>>> >>>>From: "<>" >>>><<>> >>>>Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 9:03 AM >>>>To: Josh Fisher <<>> >>>>Cc: >>>>"<mailto:bacula-users@lists.sourcefor >>>>g >>>>e >>>>. >>>>net>" >>>><<mailto:bacula-users@lists.sourcefor >>>>g >>>>e >>>>. >>>>net>> >>>>Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] bacula can't make use of multi drives >>>> >>>>I think that the only problem with setting "Prefer Mounted Volumes = >>>>no" >>>>is that it will result in a lot of moving of a volume back and forth >>>>between drives. While it might not be a bug, since it works as >>>>advertised, it CAN be a problem. For tape, it will really slow things >>>>down because it takes a substantial time to move a tape out of one >>>>drive >>>>and into another. For disk virtual autochangers, though, the moving >>>>between "drives" is simply closing a disk file and then re-opening it, >>>>meaning that the delay is very negligible. >>>> >>>>Mr. Fisher: It's not just that. Eventually "Prefer Mounted Volumes = >>>>no" >>>>messes up the autochanger during a random backup and you have to >>>>restart >>>>storage daemon and sometimes powercycle the tape library. >>>> >>>>If there is some other issue, like a race condition that I am not >>>>aware >>>>of, then that would indeed be a bug in my book. But I have used >>>>PreferMountedVolumes=no for disk virtual autochanger without (so far) >>>>encountering any such problems, just the swapping between drives. And >>>>for >>>>disk virtual autochangers, I don't see that as a problem in and of >>>>itself. >>>> >>>>I don't know if it is already fixed or if this error happens for all >>>>autochangers. But last Bacula System Community Storage whitepapers >>>>goes >>>>in the same way. Having 2 pools is still safer and more reliable way >>>>to >>>>do multiple volumes writing. >>>> >>>>Regards, >>>>======================================================================= >>>>= >>>>= >>>>Heitor Medrado de Faria - LPIC-III | ITIL-F >>>>Faltam poucos dias - Treinamento Telepresencial Bacula: >>>> >>>>61 2021-8260<tel:%2B55%2061%202021-8260> | >>>>8268-4220<tel:%2B55%2061%208268-4220> >>>>Site:<> | Facebook: >>>>heitor.faria<> | Gtalk: >>>><> >>>>======================================================================= >>>>= >>>>= >>>>= >>>> >>>>________________________________ >>>>De: "Josh Fisher" <<>> >>>>Para: >>>><mailto:bacula-users@lists.sourceforg >>>>e >>>>. >>>>n >>>>et> >>>>Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2014 14:52:42 >>>>Assunto: Re: [Bacula-users] bacula can't make use of multi drives >>>> >>>>On 11/19/2014 11:10 AM, >>>><> >>>>wrote: >>>>Is it a bug that bacula cannot write to multiple drives for the jobs >>>>in >>>>the same pool? Will there be a fix. Back in March 2014 Wolfgang Denk >>>>wrote "it can" but how? >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>It's not a bug, but just the way it's designed. >>>>"Prefer Mounted Volumes=no" it's a directive that could allow to write >>>>multiple volumes within the same pool at the same time, however this >>>>is >>>>a >>>>little buggy and not recommended at this time. >>>> >>>>It's not a bug, but it is a little buggy?? >>>> >>>>I think that the only problem with setting "Prefer Mounted Volumes = >>>>no" >>>>is that it will result in a lot of moving of a volume back and forth >>>>between drives. While it might not be a bug, since it works as >>>>advertised, it CAN be a problem. For tape, it will really slow things >>>>down because it takes a substantial time to move a tape out of one >>>>drive >>>>and into another. For disk virtual autochangers, though, the moving >>>>between "drives" is simply closing a disk file and then re-opening it, >>>>meaning that the delay is very negligible. >>>> >>>>If there is some other issue, like a race condition that I am not >>>>aware >>>>of, then that would indeed be a bug in my book. But I have used >>>>PreferMountedVolumes=no for disk virtual autochanger without (so far) >>>>encountering any such problems, just the swapping between drives. And >>>>for >>>>disk virtual autochangers, I don't see that as a problem in and of >>>>itself. >>>> >>>> >>>>Regards, >>>>======================================================================= >>>>= >>>>= >>>>Heitor Medrado de Faria - LPIC-III | ITIL-F >>>>Faltam poucos dias - Treinamento Telepresencial Bacula: >>>> >>>>61 2021-8260<tel:%2B55%2061%202021-8260> | >>>>8268-4220<tel:%2B55%2061%208268-4220> >>>>Site:<> | Facebook: >>>>heitor.faria<> | Gtalk: >>>><> >>>>======================================================================= >>>>= >>>>= >>>>= >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>----------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>- >>>>- >>>>- >>>>---- >>>>Download BIRT iHub F-Type - The Free Enterprise-Grade BIRT Server >>>>from Actuate! 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Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and Dashboards >>>with Interactivity, Sharing, Native Excel Exports, App Integration & >>>more >>>Get technology previously reserved for billion-dollar corporations, FREE >>> >>>k >>>t >>>rk >>>_______________________________________________ >>>Bacula-users mailing list >>> >>> >> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download BIRT iHub F-Type - The Free Enterprise-Grade BIRT Server from Actuate! Instantly Supercharge Your Business Reports and Dashboards with Interactivity, Sharing, Native Excel Exports, App Integration & more Get technology previously reserved for billion-dollar corporations, FREE _______________________________________________ Bacula-users mailing list