Dirt is not the issue unless you are operating in a dirty environment.
There is something wrong with either the tape drive itself or the
connection to the drive.  The connection could be the cable or the HBA on
the computer.  There are likely error messages in your logs that will help
with the diagnosis.  Changing cables is the easiest/fastest first thing.
After that, look at the drive and any documentation about the drive and
run any available diagnostics.

Patti Clark
Linux System Administrator
R&D Systems Support Oak Ridge National Laboratory

On 12/20/14, 3:49 AM, "Danixu86" <bacula-fo...@backupcentral.com> wrote:

>Hi there, first of all i'm sorry for my english.
>My problem is with Tape Drive, recently i'm getting errors on a lot of
>tapes and the most of times in about 6GB of backup... These errors are:
>Dirty Drive, or Hardware Error and when i eject the tape then Dirty Drive.
>I've tried with 4 new tapes (2 Sony and 2 Qantum), and yesterday with
>used tape, and all give me error on about 5-6GB. Cleaner Tape is new too,
>and i've got errors with two different cleaner tapes...
>Someone knows what can be the problem?, Can i clean the Drive manually?,
>because maybe the problem is some dirt that tape cleaner can't
>Tape Drive is a Quantum LTO-4 HH.
>¡¡Greetings and thanks.
>|This was sent by danielmadri...@gmail.com via Backup Central.
>|Forward SPAM to ab...@backupcentral.com.

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