Hi there, first of all i'm sorry for my english.
My problem is with Tape Drive, recently i'm getting errors on a lot of tapes
and the most of times in about 6GB of backup... These errors are: Dirty Drive,
or Hardware Error and when i eject the tape then Dirty Drive.
I've tried with 4 new tapes (2 Sony and 2 Qantum), and yesterday with used
tape, and all give me error on about 5-6GB. Cleaner Tape is new too, and i've
got errors with two different cleaner tapes...
Someone knows what can be the problem?, Can i clean the Drive manually?,
because maybe the problem is some dirt that tape cleaner can't eliminate...
Tape Drive is a Quantum LTO-4 HH.
¡¡Greetings and thanks.
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