I´m very very sorry.  I´m not presuming to lecture you about what you
should do or should not be doing in your enterprise environment. Maybe my
english was too bad to lead to this embarrassment situation. I was just
trying to find, colaboring with all the others here, a solution for your
case, with the current version of the software. Also, like all the others,
give feedback about things . It is my believe this is the great objective
of this list.

On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 10:24 AM, Alan Brown <a...@mssl.ucl.ac.uk> wrote:

> On 28/10/14 12:46, Ana Emília M. Arruda wrote:
> , maybe
> a second device definition for a job or pool could be more helpful than
>> a bacula-sd.conf reload on-the-fly or the enable/disable commands.
> This does not work. I've tried it.

​Yes, I´m aware that this does not work. It was a suggestion for adding in
new versions because I´was not understanding the whole thing.​

> Thankfully Kern and his team are well aware that needs vary depending on
> setups and that multiple-tape drive setups need improvement.
​Yes, Kern and his team are always ​
​aware of all the suggestions and demands discussed here.​

Best regards,
Bacula-users mailing list

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