Yes, your definition is clear, and it is what the Director does.  
However, programming it is much more difficult, especially for the SD 
where you are dealing with physical devices that are locked.  In Apache, 
the Bacula Director, and elsewhere there are not physical devices that 
have to be locked when writing.

Anyway, this is something I would like to see, but someone needs to 
program it ...


On 14-10-24 09:28 AM, Andrea Carpani wrote:
> On 24/10/2014 12:47, Kern Sibbald wrote:
>> No, the SD and the FD cannot be reloaded. On the FD in principle it 
>> would be easy, but on the SD, it would be complicated if drives 
>> changed.  What would you do with Jobs that are using a drive that 
>> would be removed from the reload?
> I'm not that deep into backup software, so maybe I'm saying something 
> stupid, but a config reload could do the same thing that other 
> software do, that is:
>  - continue servicing current requests with the previous conf and
>  -  use the new conf for new requests.
> Something like a graceful restart apache does.
> Does this make sense?
> .a.c.

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