
It could be that I did not translate the error message 100% correctly.
I translated both freely from german as I thought an english version will be more helpful.
The actual german message is: "Fatal error: FD hat keinen Jobstatus 
I usually get this message when there are problems with reaching a client.

Current status: No problems for 2 days in a row.


Florian S.

ubuntu-dir JobId XXX: Fatal error: bsock.c:118 Unable to connect to Client: 
<Client> on XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9102. ERR=No route to target machine
ubuntu-dir JobId XXX: Fatal error: FD did not reaturn a Job status.
This is very bizarre, because the second line of the message above 
does not exist in any Bacula that I am aware of.
From the above error messages, I would say that your wakeup on WAN is 
not really working or you are not giving the machine enough time to 
come up and Bacula is timing it out.  Trying to backup sleeping 
Clients is probably an unreliable way of running backups -- or you 
must find some way to fully wake up the machine before having Bacula 
try to contact it.  Perhaps simply upping the FD Connect Timeout would 
solve your problem.
Best regards,
Bacula-users mailing list

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