Hello everyone.

So, I am backing up 4 windows clients at the moment, using the 5.2.10 windows FD. over the last two weeks I noticed that jobs relatively often end with an error, meaning up to 2 clients per day.

It's not even the same clients. Some days, everything works, then client 1 ends with an error, the next day maybe client 4 does, while client 1 runs completely fine. I cannot see any pattern in the occurence of these errors. I just know it is always the same problem:

ubuntu-dir JobId XXX: Fatal error: bsock.c:118 Unable to connect to Client: 
<Client> on XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:9102. ERR=No route to target machine
ubuntu-dir JobId XXX: Fatal error: FD did not reaturn a Job status.

Some more information that might help:
The 4 backup jobs for the clients are started at the same time.
Each job starts by activating the machine using powerwake.
Each client has its personal backup device in the storage daemon's config.

I hope anybody can help me out here, because the backup-system is just too unreliable like this...

Florian S.
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