
i have a running setup of bacula.

If i issue a 'reload' i get the following error message:

You have messages.
02-Aug 12:51 bacula-dir: ERROR in lex.c:648 Config error: Cannot open 
included config file /etc/bacula/conf.d/JobDefs/Backup: permission denied

             : line 14, col 35 of file /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf

02-Aug 12:51 bacula-dir: ERROR in parse_conf.c:928 Config error: 
Expected a Resource name identifier, got: /etc/bacula/conf.d/JobDefs/Backup
             : line 14, col 35 of file /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf

02-Aug 12:51 bacula-dir JobId 0: Error: Please correct configuration 
file: /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
02-Aug 12:51 bacula-dir JobId 0: Error: Resetting previous configuration.

/etc/bacula is a symlink to /DATEN/config/bacula, the permissions are 
the following:

drwxr-xr-x  4 root      bacula     3864  1. Aug 12:23 bacula

inside the bacula dir i got those permissions:

ls -al
insgesamt 148
drwxr-xr-x  4 root bacula 3864  1. Aug 12:23 .
drwxr-xr-x 19 root root   3864 28. Mai 13:58 ..
-rwxr-x--x  1 root root    234 23. Apr 10:17 BACKUP_OK
-rw-r-----  1 root bacula 2671  2. Aug 12:47 bacula-dir.conf
-rw-r-----  1 root root   9029  7. Dez 2013  bacula-dir.conf.dist
-rw-r-----  1 root root   8821 31. Jul 10:20 bacula-dir.conf.rpmnew
-rw-r-----  1 root root    993  7. Dez 2013  bacula-fd.conf
-rw-r-----  1 root root    997  7. Dez 2013  bacula-fd.conf.dist
-rw-r-----  1 root root    985 31. Jul 10:20 bacula-fd.conf.rpmnew
-rw-r-----  1 root root   1288  7. Dez 2013  bacula-sd.conf
-rw-r-----  1 root root   5927  7. Dez 2013  bacula-sd.conf.dist
-rw-r-----  1 root root   7680 31. Jul 10:20 bacula-sd.conf.rpmnew
-rw-r-----  1 root root    159  7. Dez 2013  bat.conf
-rw-r-----  1 root root    164  7. Dez 2013  bconsole.conf
-rw-r-----  1 root root    192  7. Dez 2013  bconsole.conf.dist
-rw-r-----  1 root root    442  7. Dez 2013 common_default_passwords
drw-r----- 10 root bacula 3864  7. Dez 2013  conf.d
-rwxr-x--x  1 root root    184  7. Dez 2013  cp_del_catalog.sh
-rwxr-x--x  1 root root    102  7. Dez 2013  fortune
-rwxr-x--x  1 root root    102 12. Jul 10:08 holiday_boot.sh
-rwxr-x--x  1 root root    545  7. Dez 2013  holiday.sh
-rw-r-----  1 root root    396  7. Dez 2013  holidays.txt
-rw-r-----  1 root bacula  256 31. Jul 10:20 query.sql
drwxr-x--x  2 root root   3864 27. Mär 20:54 scripts
-rw-r-----  1 root root   1252  7. Dez 2013  tray-monitor.conf
-rwxr-x--x  1 root root     57  7. Dez 2013  updateslots.sh
-rw-r-----  1 root root    432  7. Dez 2013  vchanger.conf

and inside my conf.d dir i got those:

drw-r----- 10 root bacula 3864  7. Dez 2013  .
drwxr-xr-x  4 root bacula 3864  1. Aug 12:23 ..
-rw-r-----  1 root bacula  909 29. Mär 20:44 Catalog
drw-r-----  2 root bacula 3864 29. Apr 08:46 Clients
drw-r-----  2 root bacula 3864  2. Aug 11:53 Devices
drw-r-----  2 root bacula 3864 29. Apr 08:46 FileSets
drw-r-----  2 root bacula 3864  4. Apr 23:57 JobDefs
drw-r-----  2 root bacula 3864 29. Apr 08:48 Jobs
drw-r-----  2 root bacula 3864  2. Aug 11:51 Pools
drw-r-----  2 root bacula 3864  3. Mai 19:08 Schedules
drw-r-----  2 root bacula 3864  7. Dez 2013  Storages

and at least for the JobDefs/Backup file i got those:

-rw-r-----  1 root bacula  318 27. Mär 10:05 Backup

my bacula dameons are running with those uid/gid:

bacula   23127  0.0  0.0 485996  3768 ?        Ssl  12:51   0:00 
bacula-dir -c /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf -u bacula -g bacula
bacula   23154  0.0  0.0 319212  2688 ?        Ssl  12:51   0:00 
bacula-sd -c /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf -u bacula -g tape
root     24079  0.0  0.0 325376  2256 ?        Ssl  12:51   0:00 
bacula-fd -c /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf -u root -g root

any reason why i get those permission denied errors?

im lost atm.



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