Hey all,

 My bacula backups have been running fine for quiet a while. When suddenly
and out of the blue I am getting the following errors:

13-Jul 03:08 ops.mydomain.com JobId 55: Start Backup JobId 55,

13-Jul 03:09 ops.mydomain.com JobId 55: Using Device "FileStorage" to write.

13-Jul 03:09 ops.mydomain.com JobId 55: Volume "jf-backup-tape-0007"
previously written, moving to end of data.

13-Jul 03:09 ops.mydomain.com JobId 55: Ready to append to end of Volume
"jf-backup-tape-0007" size=3621001889

13-Jul 03:09 ops.mydomain.com JobId 55: *Fatal error: sql_create.c:906
Can't start batch mode: ERR=*

13-Jul 07:22 ops.mydomain.com: *ERROR in authenticate.c:303 UA Hello from
client: <> is invalid. Len=-4*

13-Jul 13:19 ops.mydomain.com:* ERROR in authenticate.c:303 UA Hello from
client: <> is invalid. Len=-4*

I've googlead around a bit and found that one solution to the "ERROR in
authenticate" problem can be deleting the following file:


But deleting that file from all the clients you want to backup via cron
seems like a sloppy solution to me.

Right now it seems that my backups are offline. I would definitely
appreciate any advice you folks might have!



GPG me!!

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