Thank you for the reassuring news!
2014-11-21 15:08 GMT+01:00 Roberts, Ben <>:
> Hi Luca,
> I’ve been using an LT60 S2 (SAS) with LTO-6 and LTO-04 drives for 12
> months (many hundreds of TB written). I’ve had no problems until recently
> and have been happy with the unit on the whole (it is a significant
> improvement over the StorageTek unit it replaced). I’m currently working
> through an issue with tech support regarding the barcode labels being
> incorrectly scanned, though we believe at the moment the fault is with the
> media labels rather than the barcode reader. I have been very impressed
> with the Fujitsu support while working through this case on the one
> occasion I’ve had to use them in reference to this unit.
> I believe the LT60 is identical hardware (bar the front panel, firmware)
> to HP’s 48-slot offering as well, just in case you had any reason to buy
> from one or other vendor.
> Regards,
> Ben Roberts
> *From:* Luca Codutti []
> *Sent:* 21 November 2014 11:23
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [Bacula-users] (no subject)
> Dear Bacula users,
> I am currently planning a tape backup system for a research group in an
> academic institution for which I thought about bacula. I have in my hands
> two offers for the purpose which involve either a DELL LT2000 (2 drives,
> connected through sas) LTO-6 or a Fujitsu eternus lt-60 LTO-6 (sas). Are
> there some drawbacks in choosing bacula for these two systems I am not
> aware of?
> Best Regards
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