Hi all,

I'm in the process of trying to change my backup system from TSM to
Bacula - and there are a few things I can't quite find the answers to.
Mostly in regards to the interaction with vchanger.

I use a few eSATA drives to move data to. I also do the initial full
backups to this pool - then a nightly incremental.

I've set up vchanger as so:
# cat /etc/bacula/vchanger.conf
changer_name = esata-changer
work_dir = /opt/bacula/working/esata
logfile = "/var/log/vchanger.log"
log_level = LOG_DEBUG
Virtual_Drives = 2
slots_per_magazine = 10
magazine_bays = 1
automount_dir = /mnt/vchanger
magazine = /mnt/vchanger/a7122eae-bf9a-4b09-a67f-68db60cee026

It seems I can't use UUID:a7122eae-bf9a-4b09-a67f-68db60cee026 as the
magazine (maybe that leads to my problems restoring later on?) as
vchanger continues to error out when I try.

bacula-sd.conf is almost straight from the docs:
Autochanger {
  Name = esata-changer
  Device = esata-changer-drive-0
  Device = esata-changer-drive-1
  Changer Command = "/usr/local/bin/vchanger %c %o %S %a %d"
  Changer Device = "/etc/bacula/vchanger.conf"
#---  drive 0 of the esata autochanger
Device {
  Name = esata-changer-drive-0
  DriveIndex = 0
  Autochanger = yes;
  DeviceType = File
  MediaType = File
  ArchiveDevice = /opt/bacula/working/esata/0/drive0
  RemovableMedia = no;
  RandomAccess = yes;
#---  drive 1 of the esata autochanger
Device {
  Name = esata-changer-drive-1
  DriveIndex = 1
  Autochanger = yes;
  DeviceType = File
  MediaType = File
  ArchiveDevice = /opt/bacula/working/esata/1/drive1
  RemovableMedia = no;
  RandomAccess = yes;

bacula-dir.conf is almost straight from the docs as well:
Storage {
        Name                    = esata
        Address                 = bacula.crc.id.au
        Password                = "mypassword"
        Device                  = esata-changer
        Media Type              = File
        Autochanger             = yes
Pool {
        Name                    = esata
        Pool Type               = Backup
        Storage                 = esata
        Maximum Volume Bytes    = 40G
        Recycle Pool            = esata

Now, I've been using BAT to look at the director and I firstly have the
following specific questions:

1) I have 10 inital slots for volumes on the eSATA drive. 10 x 40Gb =
400Gb. As the drives are 1Tb (mostly), will new volumes automatically be
created as the other 10 reach full? Do I have to manually create the
number of volumes up to X (ie a full drive?)

2) When I do a restore, will I get prompted to insert the esata drive
for vchanger to play with? My initial experiments show that the restore
terminated with the following errors:
        17-May 19:03 bacula.crc.id.au-sd JobId 58: 3304 Issuing autochanger
"load slot 9, drive 0" command.
17-May 19:03 lamp.crc.id.au-fd JobId 58: Fatal error: job.c:2435 Bad
response from SD to Read Data command. Wanted 3000 OK data
, got 3000 error
17-May 19:03 bacula.crc.id.au-sd JobId 58: Fatal error: 3992 Bad
autochanger "load slot 9, drive 0": ERR=Unknown error during program execvp.
Results=failed to convert slot 9 to valid volume file name
17-May 19:03 bacula.crc.id.au-sd JobId 58: Warning: acquire.c:232 Read
open file device "esata-drive-0" (/opt/bacula/working/eSATA/0/drive0)
Volume "eSATA-changer_0001_0009" failed: ERR=file_dev.c:172 Could not
open(/opt/bacula/working/eSATA/0/drive0,OPEN_READ_ONLY,0640): ERR=No
such file or directory
17-May 19:03 bacula.crc.id.au-sd JobId 58: 3304 Issuing autochanger
"load slot 9, drive 0" command.
17-May 19:03 bacula.crc.id.au-sd JobId 58: Fatal error: 3992 Bad
autochanger "load slot 9, drive 0": ERR=Unknown error during program execvp.
Results=failed to convert slot 9 to valid volume file name

I can't seem to find much on the who/what/where/why of this. I have
however revisited the config from scratch, wiped the bacula DB and am
starting fresh with a new install for my current lot of trials.
(therefore this config didn't quite match the above).

Any good suggestions or tips on gotchas for a new Bacula user?

Steven Haigh

Email: net...@crc.id.au
Web: http://www.crc.id.au
Phone: (03) 9001 6090 - 0412 935 897
Fax: (03) 8338 0299

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