I'm getting all Jobs failed and looking into the log I see a lot of "error


JobId 894: shell command: run BeforeJob "/etc/bacula/scripts/
make_catalog_backup.pl bCatalog"
12-May 19:22 dir.tyrion.emerge.pt JobId 894: BeforeJob: mysqldump: Error:
'Got error 28 from storage engine' when trying to dump tablespaces
12-May 19:22 dir.tyrion.emerge.pt JobId 894: BeforeJob: mysqldump: Couldn't
execute 'show fields from `BaseFiles`': Got error 28 from storage engine
12-May 19:22 dir.tyrion.emerge.pt JobId 894: BeforeJob: mysqldump: Couldn't
execute 'SHOW TRIGGERS LIKE 'BaseFiles'': Got error 28 from storage engine
12-May 19:22 dir.tyrion.emerge.pt JobId 894: BeforeJob: mysqldump: Couldn't
execute 'show fields from `CDImages`': Got error 28 from storage engine

The problem is my /tmp dir is not full (even tried to change to a 2GB
tmpfs) and /var/lib/bacula is also not full, not are any other dirs for
that matter!

If I do a manual mysqldump with the root user all works fine!

What could the issue be?
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