Hi Josh,

> Could you downgrade the client to 5.0.2? I know SD and DIR are backward 
> compatible with older clients, but I'm not so sure what happens when the 
> client is a newer version.

Since this exact topic came up in IRC last night, I tried a restore of a backup 
made by a 5.0 client (RHEL 5.0.0-12.el6), and saw the same failure 74GB in).

15-Jan 23:51 backup3-sd JobId 263: Error: block.c:275 Volume data error at 
24:4294941825! Wanted ID: "BB02", got "". Buffer discarded.

15-Jan 23:51 backup3-sd JobId 263: Fatal error: fd_cmds.c:169 Command error 
with FD, hanging up.

I've also been doing some test restores from our older bacula infra (running 
exactly the same DIR/SD versions) and have successfully restored >10TB so it's 
looking like the issue is limited to the newer machine only.


Ben Roberts

IT Infrastructure

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