On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 2:20 AM, Greg Woods <g...@gregandeva.net> wrote:
> I'm having some trouble getting vchanger to work, partly because the
> documentation that comes with it seems not to be up to date. For
> instance, the keywords described in the howto HTML file that comes with
> the source are invalid keywords. The example config file has the right
> keywords, but I'm having difficulty getting vchanger to work.

I got this working myself, using the document you found to be the newer.

> When I get to testing vchanger, the list command works; it shows there
> are 34 slots.

What about "listmags"?

> But "label barcodes" appears not to work correctly:
> *label barcodes
> Automatically selected Catalog: GregAndEva
> Using Catalog "GregAndEva"
> The defined Storage resources are:
>      1: BKUP
>      2: ARCH
> Select Storage resource (1-2): 2
> Enter autochanger drive[0]:
> Connecting to Storage daemon ARCH at bstore.gregandeva.net:9103 ...
> 3306 Issuing autochanger "slots" command.
> Device "ARCH" has 34 slots.
> Connecting to Storage daemon ARCH at bstore.gregandeva.net:9103 ...
> 3306 Issuing autochanger "list" command.
> No Volumes found to label, or no barcodes.

I think I had similar symptoms at one point, caused by permissions
issues.   The root of the file systems mounted by automount were owned
by group disk , but vchanger and bacula were running as group tape.

> The inserted magazine disk does automount correctly, but there isn't
> anything there except the lost+found directory. Nothing in the
> documentation tells me how the index file is created or the

That should be created by "vchanger initmag".

> one-file-per-slot files or what name those files should have or if I am
> supposed to create them myself or if vchanger is supposed to create them
> and if so, how.
> Is there any up-to-date documentation that explains how to set up and
> configure vchanger? Is there something obvious that I have done wrong? I
> can post the relevant parts of the config files if necessary.
> Thanks,
> --Greg
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