I'm having some trouble getting vchanger to work, partly because the
documentation that comes with it seems not to be up to date. For
instance, the keywords described in the howto HTML file that comes with
the source are invalid keywords. The example config file has the right
keywords, but I'm having difficulty getting vchanger to work. 

When I get to testing vchanger, the list command works; it shows there
are 34 slots. But "label barcodes" appears not to work correctly:

*label barcodes
Automatically selected Catalog: GregAndEva
Using Catalog "GregAndEva"
The defined Storage resources are:
     1: BKUP
     2: ARCH
Select Storage resource (1-2): 2
Enter autochanger drive[0]: 
Connecting to Storage daemon ARCH at bstore.gregandeva.net:9103 ...
3306 Issuing autochanger "slots" command.
Device "ARCH" has 34 slots.
Connecting to Storage daemon ARCH at bstore.gregandeva.net:9103 ...
3306 Issuing autochanger "list" command.
No Volumes found to label, or no barcodes.

The inserted magazine disk does automount correctly, but there isn't
anything there except the lost+found directory. Nothing in the
documentation tells me how the index file is created or the
one-file-per-slot files or what name those files should have or if I am
supposed to create them myself or if vchanger is supposed to create them
and if so, how.

Is there any up-to-date documentation that explains how to set up and
configure vchanger? Is there something obvious that I have done wrong? I
can post the relevant parts of the config files if necessary.


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