Hi Greg

If you are looking for a kind of "USB tape drive" you should have a look
at RDX systems. It works like a disk and can be removed like a tape. Not
cheap, not efficient (you might expect around 35 MB/s) but it works fine.


Le 14/09/2013 22:02, Greg Woods a écrit :
> Pardon me if this is a dumb or frequently-asked question, but I have not
> found a definitive answer searching the list archives, Google, or the
> Bacula documentation.
> My question is whether there is any such thing as a USB tape drive that
> is known to work with Bacula. When reading about tape drives, I see
> phrases such as "DLT" and "LTO", but the only USB tape drives I have
> been able to find available are "DAT 160". I know next to nothing about
> tape technology, but I'd like to have a tape device so that I can
> migrate my backups from an attached hard drive to tape, so that I have
> copies of my backups that are not on a device that is always connected.
> Thanks,
> --Greg
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