On Sat, 2013-09-14 at 14:02 -0600, Greg Woods wrote:

> My question is whether there is any such thing as a USB tape drive that
> is known to work with Bacula. 

It's clear from the responses I got that I left out an important detail,
since all the responses were telling me why I should use something other
than a USB tape drive.

This is a cheap home setup. My storage server is a Raspberry Pi. So I do
not have SATA bays,  SCSI interfaces, or eSATA interfaces available. The
only connection for peripherals is USB. My current storage device is a
4TB USB drive, of the "green" type that shuts itself down automatically
when inactive. But it is still connected, because I want to be able to
fire off an incremental backup for a laptop or desktop whenever I want,
without having to fiddle with hardware connections.

I want a secondary backup device that can be used for migration and/or
copy jobs. For this one, I don't want the media always online, because
of course I want to insulate myself against software going nuts, power
surges, etc. (yes I have a UPS and those are very good but they are not
perfect; ideally, I'd like to copy my full backups to media that I can
store offsite).

At this point, I can see three options: getting a USB tape drive, using
a second hard drive that I manually connect and mount as needed, or
using another machine in the house as a secondary storage server (more
complicated to set up and maintain) so that other hardware options
become available.


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