Hi all,

I've made a little bit of progress now - and managed to get a single 
client backed up to bacula (yay!).

I haven't been able to find (via bconsole) to show the detailed stats of 
a client - ie:
        1) size of backup
        2) if backup is compressed
        3) When the last successful job was.

In TSM terms, this would be something like:
tsm: SERVER1>q occ spin-gw

Node Name      Type     Filespace       FSID     Storage        Number 
of      Physical       Logical
                         Name                     Pool Name 
Files         Space         Space
         Occupied      Occupied
             (MB)          (MB)
----------     ----     ----------     -----     ---------- 
---------     ---------     ---------
SPIN-GW        Bkup     /                  1     DISKBACK 
9,946        519.14        450.73
SPIN-GW        Bkup     /                  1     USBDRIVES 
26,600      2,391.68        514.21

In TSM, DISKBACK is the local drive, USBDRIVES is actually the eSATA 
drives. You can see the two different pools and the files that have been 
migrated from DISKBACK to USBDRIVES.

I'm also trying to figure out about the 'migration' features in bacula...

Can I make bacula mark files in a storage pool via the following logic:
        1) Backup from client to LocalStorage pool.
        2) Copy backup from LocalStorage to eSATAStorage pool.
        3) If LocalStorage is becoming full, and a copy exists in eSATASTorage, 
overwrite the file in LocalStorage to free space.

TSM does this by default, but I haven't been able to locate this in 
bacula (or maybe I'm missing something obvious).

Lastly, I'm interested in the deduplication features (or lack thereof). 
Is there a current implementation of a hash based dedup that I can 

Steven Haigh

Email: net...@crc.id.au
Web: https://www.crc.id.au
Phone: (03) 9001 6090 - 0412 935 897
Fax: (03) 8338 0299

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