On 03/08/13 23:50, Bill Arlofski wrote:
> On 08/01/13 22:33, Steven Haigh wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm looking at migrating my existing TSM5.5 backup solution to Bacula.
>> I'm hoping some people could point me in the right direction.
>> I currently have TSM set up with a 40Gb disk volume on the local server,
>> which is then migrated to a group of eSATA drives. On the eSATA drives I
>> have volumes (usually 300-400Gb in size) that I VARY ONLINE via a udev
>> script when I plug the drive in.
>> The idea is that the 40Gb on the local disk acts as a buffer which is
>> once a week migrated to the volumes on the eSATA drives:
>> I'm trying to figure out how to replicate this in Bacula - however I
>> haven't had much success at this stage. I did find some documents that
>> are nearly 4 years old in relation to using removable media - but a lot
>> changes in 4 years!
>> Does anyone do something like this already? How can I handle the eSATA
>> drives? Is there a better way?
> Hi Steven... I believe that you can accomplish what you are looking for using
> Bacula's "Copy Jobs", Josh Fisher's excellent "vchanger" add-on, and a little
> hard work. :)
> Obviously it is more complicated than the four or five steps listed below, but
> here is the basic concept and process:
> You can take the 40GB local storage and create several small(ish) (5GB?)
> Bacula "file volumes." (40GB seems VERY small to me)

Is there a benefit of these being so small? In TSM I use 2 x 20Gb 
volumes on the system disk and 200Gb volumes on the eSATA drives.

> These file volumes would be added into a pool called something like
> "DailyLocal" with a short retention period (~1 week?) so that they will be
> available during the next week's run (are you sure it's not 400GB? :)  in
> which case the retention period can be set higher. :)

I'm sure about the 40Gb local stgpool. Not a great deal changes - its 
mostly adding to existing data in 2-4Gb chunks - around 4-5 per week. As 
such, a 40Gb 'spool' if you like is fine. It gets migrated on an 'as 
required' basis anyhow.

> Create your daily backup job to write to the file volumes in the DailyLocal
> pool on the local storage

Hmmm - are these volumes physical files (like a TSM volume)? or more 
like a filesystem directory? I'm not finding much in the way of 
documentation for understanding this... The 'administrators guide' I've 
found is more blank pages / chapters than content... Is there somewhere 
else I should be looking?

> Configure Bacula for off-site backups with auto-mounting, removable backups
> and full volume encryption: http://www.revpol.com/node/140

I did see this - but it seems to be a lot of patched together scripts to 
get basic support for external media that isn't a tape library.

> Create a Copy job that will run once/week and copy the week's jobs to the
> removable drives (see section 24.1 of Bacula's "main.pdf" file)

How does this go with incremental backups? I can probably grow the local 
disk storage pool a little to help out here - but what would happen if a 
removable drive wasn't inserted? What about running the migrations on an 
adhoc basis?

> Those are the steps. If you run into any specific problems along the way, you
> can just ask here, or join some of us in the #bacula channel on freenode.net

In a stroke of luck, I tried this and got pointed to the mailing list ;)

Steven Haigh

Email: net...@crc.id.au
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