On 08/02/2013 09:12 AM, Süleyman Kuran wrote:

I read the docs but couldn't find any info.

Is it possible to exclude from schedule?
Yes, but you have to invert your normal way of thinking and simply
include only the days/months/... that you want.

By the way, I think some other people have mentioned it, but the
schedule listed below is going to create a few ugly surprises for you
by running several Full jobs at the same time.  I suggest you start
over and rethink things, perhaps taking a calendar and marking
F/I in days as you add Run lines. If adding a new line creates tries
to add a second backup over one that you have, you are in trouble.

My schedule is as follows:

Schedule {
  Name = "MultipleRUN"
  Run = Level=Full Pool=Daily mon-sun at 3:17
  Run = Level=Full Pool=Weekly sun at 9:05
  Run = Level=Incremental Pool=Weekly mon-sat at 19:05
  Run = Level=Full Pool=Monthly 1st sat at 2:05
  Run = Level=Full Pool=Offsite 1st fri at 2:05

What I'm trying to do is to prevent Daily full backup from running when thereis a Monthly full backup is scheduled for the same day.

Is the following possible?

Run = Level=Full Pool=Daily mon-sun at 3:17 *not 1 st sat*

Thanksfor your time.

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