On 02/08/13 05:56 PM, Süleyman Kuran wrote:
> I export the Offsite media on Friday morning from the library and move 
> it to another location. Because there is no monthly backup in the 
> library I also schedule a job a day after the offsite backupin case I 
> need to recover from a montly backup immediately. 1stsat is always 1 
> day after the 1st friday, or am i wrong?
> You are right that I have two full backups on sunday, it is a mistake. 
> I should remove daily backup on sundays.

The really strange thing is that you are running a full backup to the 
Daily pool at 3:17 each morning and an incremental each day except 
Sunday at 19:05 to the Weekly pool. Assuming normal business hours, that 
means you are doing an incremental followed by a full each day. Do you 
need two backups each day?

The sample schedule looks pretty good and appears to do what you want:

Schedule {
         Name = "ScheduleTest"
         Run = Full 1st sun at 23:05
         Run = Differential 2nd-5th sun at 23:05
         Run = Incremental mon-sat at 23:05

In fact, you could even simplify it to running a full every Sunday and 
incrementals in between.

Schedule {
         Name = "ScheduleTest2"
         Run = Full sun at 23:05
         Run = Incremental mon-sat at 23:05

If you put the incrementals into a different pool from the 
full/differential then you keep the size of the pool you want offsite 

If you are backing up the catalogue (a common practise) along with the 
files, then you don't need to run a full backup to an Offsite pool. I 
just copy the Weekly pool to a removable drive/media each week after the 
weekly Full or Differential backup finishes. This can be done as a 
RunAfterJob script or as a cron job. Should you need to restore the 
pool, just copy it back to your disk drive.

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