
I had some jobs stall b/c of no volumes available for recycling. But there
were two volumes in the pool (Differential) that were last written to
beyond the 7 day volume retention period. Volumes in the pool are set to
recycle. Below is the info on volumes and the Differential pool. As far as
I can tell, the pool and volumes are properly setup for automatic recycling
after 7 days.
Why might volumes L50023 and L50024 not been automatically recycled?

(Today I manually purged volume L50023 and then manually changed the status
to 'Recycle' after the jobs did not resume. Then 2-3 hours or so later, the
jobs resumed using L50023. Note that L50024 also wasn't automatically
recycle. I haven't done anything to it today.)

Thanks for any help!

Pool: Differential
| MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes          | VolFiles
| VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten
|      24 | L50023     | Append    |       1 |    74,995,200,000 |       75
|      604,800 |       1 |   23 |         1 | LTO-5     | 2013-07-31
15:29:41 |
|      25 | L50024     | Full      |       1 | 1,925,187,554,304 |    1,926
|      604,800 |       1 |   24 |         1 | LTO-5     | 2013-07-22
16:43:38 |

PoolId: 6
Name: Differential
         NumVols: 6
         MaxVols: 0
         UseOnce: 0
      UseCatalog: 1
 AcceptAnyVolume: 0
    VolRetention: 604,800
  VolUseDuration: 0
      MaxVolJobs: 0
     MaxVolBytes: 0
       AutoPrune: 1
         Recycle: 1
        PoolType: Backup
     LabelFormat: *
         Enabled: 1
   ScratchPoolId: 0
   RecyclePoolId: 0
       LabelType: 0
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