HEy there,

  I have a problem with a scheduled job that I run, the requested Tape 
is in the loader and gets mounted but I get a Volume Data Error and 
Bacula tells me to mount the Tape or label a new one. Im pretty lost 
with that behaviour, I canceled the job and checked what status the tape 
has (its recycle) the retention time is 25 days and the last use was 
2013-05-30. I purged the tape und mounted the tape manually and try to 
run the job but it still refuse to run.

here is a log of the last scheduled job that I had to cancel again so 
other jobs can run:

23-Jul 01:00 fg-back-dir JobId 7894: Start Backup JobId 7894, 
23-Jul 01:00 fg-back-dir JobId 7894: Using Device "LTO3"
23-Jul 01:00 fg-back-sd JobId 7894: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload 
slot 2, drive 0" command.
23-Jul 01:03 fg-back-sd JobId 7894: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 
7, drive 0" command.
23-Jul 01:03 fg-back-sd JobId 7894: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 7, drive 
0", status is OK.
23-Jul 01:04 fg-back-sd JobId 7894: Error: 
/home/kern/bacula/k/bacula/src/stored/block.c:318 Volume data error at 0:0!
Block checksum mismatch in block=0 len=200: calc=4b2b65bc blk=2c508db9
23-Jul 01:04 fg-back-sd JobId 7894: Please mount Volume "AVME07L3" or 
label a new one for:
     Job:          ArbeitsdatenExtern.2013-07-23_01.00.00_18
     Storage:      "LTO3" (Tape0)
     Pool:         ExternMoMi
     Media type:   LTO-3
23-Jul 02:04 fg-back-sd JobId 7894: Please mount Volume "AVME07L3" or 
label a new one for:
     Job:          ArbeitsdatenExtern.2013-07-23_01.00.00_18
     Storage:      "LTO3" (Tape0)
     Pool:         ExternMoMi
     Media type:   LTO-3
23-Jul 04:04 fg-back-sd JobId 7894: Please mount Volume "AVME07L3" or 
label a new one for:
     Job:          ArbeitsdatenExtern.2013-07-23_01.00.00_18
     Storage:      "LTO3" (Tape0)
     Pool:         ExternMoMi
     Media type:   LTO-3
23-Jul 06:00 fg-back-sd JobId 7894: Job 
ArbeitsdatenExtern.2013-07-23_01.00.00_18 marked to be canceled.
23-Jul 06:00 fg-back-sd JobId 7894: Fatal error: Job 7894 canceled.
23-Jul 06:00 fg-back-sd JobId 7894: Fatal error: 
/home/kern/bacula/k/bacula/src/stored/fd_cmds.c:166 Command error with 
FD, hanging up. Append data error.

23-Jul 06:00 fg-back-dir JobId 7894: Fatal error: Max run time exceeded. 
Job canceled.
23-Jul 06:00 fg-back-dir JobId 7894: Bacula fg-back-dir 3.0.3 (18Oct09): 
23-Jul-2013 06:00:19
   Build OS:               Linux Cross-compile Win32
   JobId:                  7894
   Job:                    ArbeitsdatenExtern.2013-07-23_01.00.00_18
   Backup Level:           Differential, since=2013-07-20 04:00:02
   Client:                 "fg-back-fd" 3.0.3 (18Oct09) 
   FileSet:                "ArbeitsdatenExtern" 2010-06-19 02:00:01
   Pool:                   "ExternMoMi" (From Run pool override)
   Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
   Storage:                "LTO3" (From Job resource)
   Scheduled time:         23-Jul-2013 01:00:00
   Start time:             23-Jul-2013 01:00:02
   End time:               23-Jul-2013 06:00:19
   Elapsed time:           5 hours 17 secs
   Priority:               3
   FD Files Written:       0
   SD Files Written:       0
   FD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
   SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
   Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
   Software Compression:   None
   VSS:                    yes
   Encryption:             no
   Accurate:               no
   Volume name(s):
   Volume Session Id:      10
   Volume Session Time:    1374256812
   Last Volume Bytes:      1 (1 B)
   Non-fatal FD errors:    0
   SD Errors:              1
   FD termination status:  Canceled
   SD termination status:  Canceled
   Termination:            Backup Canceled

23-Jul 06:00 fg-back-dir JobId 7895: shell command: run BeforeJob 
"E:\bacula\make_catalog_backup.cmd bacula bacula bacula"
23-Jul 06:00 fg-back-dir JobId 7895: BeforeJob:
23-Jul 06:00 fg-back-dir JobId 7895: BeforeJob: C:\WINDOWS\system32>DEL 
/f "E:\bacula\catalog\bacula.sql" 2>nul
23-Jul 06:00 fg-back-dir JobId 7895: BeforeJob:
23-Jul 06:00 fg-back-dir JobId 7895: BeforeJob: C:\WINDOWS\system32>SET 
23-Jul 06:00 fg-back-dir JobId 7895: BeforeJob:
23-Jul 06:00 fg-back-dir JobId 7895: BeforeJob: C:\WINDOWS\system32>REM 
IF NOT "bacula"=="" SET PGPASSWORD=--password=bacula
23-Jul 06:00 fg-back-dir JobId 7895: BeforeJob:
23-Jul 06:00 fg-back-dir JobId 7895: BeforeJob: 
C:\WINDOWS\system32>"C:\Programme\PostgreSQL\8.4\bin\pg_dump" -c -U 
bacula bacula  1>"e:\bacula\catalog\bacula.sql"
23-Jul 06:01 fg-back-dir JobId 7895: Start Backup JobId 7895, 
23-Jul 06:01 fg-back-dir JobId 7895: Using Device "LTO3"
23-Jul 06:01 fg-back-sd JobId 7895: Error: 
/home/kern/bacula/k/bacula/src/stored/block.c:318 Volume data error at 0:0!
Block checksum mismatch in block=0 len=200: calc=4b2b65bc blk=2c508db9
23-Jul 06:02 fg-back-sd JobId 7895: Please mount Volume "AVME07L3" or 
label a new one for:
     Job:          Catalog.2013-07-23_02.00.00_19
     Storage:      "LTO3" (Tape0)
     Pool:         ExternMoMi
     Media type:   LTO-3
23-Jul 07:02 fg-back-sd JobId 7895: Please mount Volume "AVME07L3" or 
label a new one for:
     Job:          Catalog.2013-07-23_02.00.00_19
     Storage:      "LTO3" (Tape0)
     Pool:         ExternMoMi
     Media type:   LTO-3
23-Jul 07:24 fg-back-sd JobId 7895: Job Catalog.2013-07-23_02.00.00_19 
marked to be canceled.
23-Jul 07:24 fg-back-sd JobId 7895: Fatal error: Job 7895 canceled.

Some help would be much appreciated



Markus Rosjat    fon: +49 351 8107223    mail: ros...@ghweb.de

G+H Webservice GbR Gorzolla, Herrmann, Kögler
Königsbrücker Str. 70, 01099 Dresden

fon: +49 351 8107220   fax: +49 351 8107227

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